"The Streets of Lucknow" is a vibrant comedy show that brings to life the quirky, colorful, and bustling streets of Lucknow, India. Through a series of hilarious sketches and witty dialogues, the show explores the everyday antics of its eccentric characters—ranging from the ever-bustling chaiwala to the perpetually confused rickshaw driver. Each episode dives into local traditions, misunderstandings, and cultural quirks with a light-hearted touch. With its sharp humor and endearing characters, "The Streets of Lucknow" offers a delightful and comedic peek into the charm and chaos of one of India’s most historic cities.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
KARWAAN STUDIO: Lucknow, Shri Raghuwansham Plot No. 04 Ghanshyam Kunj Colony, Picnic Spot Rd, Chandanapur, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226015, India
INR 99