"The Sequel" was born from a desire to expand our beloved tournament experience without sacrificing the unique charm and quality that our participants have come to expect. Instead of merely enlarging a single weekend event, we embraced the opportunity to introduce multiple weekends of pond hockey excitement in Minocqua. This approach allows us to maintain the cozy and intimate atmosphere that sets us apart while accommodating a growing number of participants and divisions.Divisions at the Sequel:
Bender: Our lowest level of competition for players with any form of hockey experience. Compare to C/D League Adult Hockey.
Grouse: For players that have never played organized hockey! Find some skates and join the fun!
Why More Weekends?
By extending the tournament over several weekends, we ensure that the venue—with its stunning beauty and ideal hockey conditions—can be enjoyed to the fullest. It also means we can offer a range of divisions without overcrowding the schedule, allowing each team and player to have a rich and personalized experience.
"The Sequel" is more than just a continuation; it's an evolution that respects tradition while embracing growth. Join us for a series of weekends filled with great hockey, wonderful company, and the unparalleled spirit of our tournament.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
American Pond Hockey, American Pond Hockey, 422 W Park Ave, Minocqua, WI 54548, United States,Minocqua, Wisconsin