Event Information:
The Screwtape Letters This acclaimed and faithful stage adaptation of C.S. Lewis' satiric masterpiece follows Screwtape, a senior tempter in Hell, as he schemes to capture the soul of an unsuspecting human on earth; and reveals spiritual warfare in vivid, humorous and powerful ways. *Not recommended for children under 13 years of age.*
Popular in Fort Lauderdale
- The Screwtape Letters which is specially known for Arts & Theatre, Theatre.
Ticket Limit:
There is an overall 9 ticket limit for this event. Prices are subject to change.
Venue Details:
Wells Hall at The Parker,
707 NE 8th Street, Wells Hall at The Parker, Fort Lauderdale, United States,
Fort Lauderdale, United States
Event Venue
Wells Hall at The Parker, Fort Lauderdale, United States
USD 68.75 to USD 102.75