The Science and Art of Awakening Human Consciousness – Meditation Training

Fri Jun 21 2024 at 09:30 am to 02:30 pm

Biyome Biomedical Institute of Yoga and Meditation | Upper Brookfield

Biomedical Institute of Yoga and Meditation
Publisher/HostBiomedical Institute of Yoga and Meditation
Options available for Face to Face or online only recordings.

“Things that are real are given and received in silence.”
Avatar Meher Baba
This course is predominantly delivered as a silent meditation course with guidance and teachings offered throughout. Silence is the most challenging practice, yet the most potent. Silence requires great depth and stillness of mind to transcend thought, the thinking mind, to reveal the infinite silence and pure grace within you. Silence is considered the loudest form of prayer and the highest form of grace. Silence IS the teaching and the deepest transference of truth.
In this course, you will explore how you are not the mind, the body, nor the self and ultimately beyond all three. It is liberating, freeing and enlightening.
Together, we will explore the science of consciousness by turning our attention inwardly. The teachings will be understood experientially, not just conceptually. The wisdom behind all the spiritual truths of surrender, oneness, emptiness, compassion, liberation and no-self will be explored experientially in meditation, using scientific pointers to open the mind and heart to all that IS.
Fall gently into grace.
Session 1: Consciousness
This session will initially explore consciousness through the five level panchamaya yoga model. We will also experientially and briefly touch upon the science of consciousness in meditation with reference to the work of cognitive neuroscientists Dr Anil Seth and Dr Donald Hoffman. Most importantly, we will explore the field of consciousness that is beyond body, mind, birth, life & death. This field of consciousness is what the great yogis have explored throughout the ages, taking us to a deeper understanding of what science has not yet proven: the recognition that consciousness and energy are the same and not separate.
“The whole universe, inside and out, are manifestations of the same Universal Force: ChitShakti.”
~ Michael Singer
On a more personal level, we will explore both resistance and acceptance within, noticing how the mind dictates heavily what we do and don’t want. The deep spiritual teaching lies in the recognition that the World isn’t always going to give us what we want. Our minds are constructing a reality of what we think we want. Therefore it is wise that we remain open, without expectation, to the moment unfolding right in front of us. What is unfolding in front of us is the reality of where our consciousness meets the moment that just is.
“You attract and manifest whatever corresponds to your inner state.”
Eckhart Tolle
Let us explore the radiance behind all that is…
Session 2: Surrender
“Accept the purification power of life’s flow.”
Michael Singer
Surrender or letting go is vital in all spiritual disciplines, religions and philosophies. When we learn to surrender to the moment in front of us, we accept all just as it is in its complete perfection. Whatever previous thoughts or beliefs we have about an experience or situation, we learn to completely let go. Ultimately, we let go of old mental and bodily patterns and self-identification with form. True surrender in everyday life is initially challenging but finally possible within you in this lifetime, and neurotheology research shows this practice leads to permanent change. When you must genuinely surrender due to a new level of insight, it is critical to the enlightenment experience. This retreat will offer vital instructions for new-level insights and draw from practices outlined by yogic and Buddhist traditions to invite you into the states of Samādhi. We shall also explore the science of the brain and body in surrender, peering through Maya, the illusive reality, whilst leaning into the experience of Samadhi.
Session 3: Oneness
Oneness – Oneness is experienced through many spiritual and religious practices and is part of the awakened brain experience. The experience of oneness occurs when we become one with the rhythm of life. Here, the parietal lobes tend to show a reduction in blood flow as we experience oneness or unity. The parietal lobes are responsible for our sense of self in relation to the world. The parietal lobes have a significant reduction in blood flow as we experience oneness and loss of separate self. The parietal lobes are affected during prayer or spiritual practice, which gives rise to a loss of self, time and space, opening the mind into states of samadhi. We become one with all. To have a deeper spiritual understanding is to realise that we are all one. Not only is this philosophically beneficial, but the evidence here shows how it can be mentally and physically beneficial. Spirituality is not just an idea but a deeper alignment with our truest nature.
We will explore one-ness in its truest form with meditation practice and explorer the following self-enquiry questions to awaken human consciousness:
Who is thinking, seeing, observing?
Do we create our reality?
Do our pain and our past create our present moment?
If we do not create our ultimate reality, who does?
Let us explore a level of enlightened consciousness….oneness with all.
Session 4: Emptiness
The concept of emptiness, or shunyata, in yoga and Buddhism is often associated with the realisation that energy is not bound to form, and that there is a spaciousness or still point underneath all the chaos of the world. This emptiness is not a void, but a zero point that connects everything and is the essence of all energy. Through deep personal exploration, we can come to accept impermanence and the gift it brings, leading to deep internal freedom and a truer understanding of love. We can let go of our attachment to the forms and manifestations of the people we love, realising that they are still present in different forms, and that nothing is truly lost or destroyed. The teachings of emptiness remind us of the interconnectedness of all things and offer a path to peace and acceptance in the face of loss and change.
In this session we shall explore the science of emptiness both inside and outside the body, exploring the following line of enquiry:
The Spiritual Teachings of Emptiness or Shunyata
The science of black holes
How deep personal exploration and insight can lead to deep internal freedom
The acceptance of impermanence within our bodies, even our breath
How impermanence is indeed a miracle, not something to be feared or resisted
Because of the gift of impermanence, anything is possible
Session 5: Compassion
Compassion is a state of being that goes beyond sympathy and understanding. It is about being the witness consciousness and recognising that behind every human suffering, there is a being of light. By being aware of our suffering and questioning its necessity, we can gain insights into the impermanence of all things and the removal of egoic self-identification. Suffering serves its purpose until we realise it is unnecessary. Compassion on the spiritual plane allows us to recognise that attachment to thoughts and emotions about the past and future is the root of suffering. Compassion is a state of complete non-judgmental awareness with no agenda, and it can be transmitted through silence, which is the most profound form of raising consciousness.
Compassion is generously offered in the highest state of truth, which is silence, free of mind-based communication. It is a potent therapeutic relationship that raises consciousness. Compassion is a teaching that is silently conveyed through the example we set, rather than through words. By being compassionate to someone who is suffering, we are not getting down there with them but helping them through our example. Compassion is the most powerful tool for raising consciousness and connecting with others in a meditative right hemisphere to the right hemisphere way, as supported by research and neuroscience.
Session 6: Liberation
Liberation is a concept that has been explored by many different cultures and religions throughout history. In general, liberation refers to the release or freedom from something that is limiting or confining. It can be a physical, mental, or spiritual release, and it is often associated with the idea of enlightenment or transcendence. In the spiritual context, liberation usually means the release from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, which is known as samsara. This release is often achieved through spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or prayer.
Research conducted by Lisa Miller has identified five observable traits of the awakened brain that are common across different religious and spiritual traditions. These traits include altruism, love of neighbour as self, a sense of oneness, the practice of sacred transcendence, and adherence to a moral code. By consciously practising these traits, individuals can strengthen and build the “muscle of transcendent awareness,” leading to a more profound spiritual experience. Miller’s research suggests that spirituality and religiosity are innate and heritable
traits that can be nurtured through environmental factors across a person’s lifetime. Ultimately, the concept of liberation involves transcending the limitations of the ego and connecting with the deeper spiritual essence that lies within each person.
Let us liberate consciousness together in meditation.
Source The Awakened Brain – Become One with the Rhythm of Life – The BioMedical Institute of Yoga & Meditation
Session 7: No-Self & Permanent Change
Dr. Andrew Newberg’s research on the spiritually awakened brain emphasises the concepts of no-self and permanent change. Permanent change refers to a transformation that can take place in an individual’s brain, body, and life, leading to a profound shift in relationships, sense of self, and worldview. This transformation often brings about a new understanding of the self and the world, which is usually for the betterment of humankind.
The changes in the brain resulting from spiritual awakening are characterised by long-lasting changes in the dopaminergic-serotonin system, associated with happiness and well-being. Additionally, increased baseline oxytocin levels are a marker of this change, a hormone related to social bonding and empathy, and the ultimate sense of interconnectedness. Dr. Newberg’s research highlights the concept of no-self, where the self is a constantly changing process rather than a permanent, fixed entity. The awakening of the spiritually awakened brain leads to a shift in this understanding of the self and a greater awareness of the interconnectedness of all things.
In conclusion, the concept of no-self and permanent change in the spiritually awakened brain can lead to a more profound sense of purpose and connection to the world around us that is no longer limited by the egoic sense of form-identity. By exploring the world with freedom from self-identification and separateness, we can experience our oneness in ultimate creation, both scientifically and spiritually.
This course is designed to develop a sacred sense of mysticism and unity with all, hence the need for cultivation of silence within and without. Periods of discussion, questioning and learning are invited throughout the day to develop depth and comprehension of the practice. Guidance in meditations is offered to assist the inward journey of connecting with the sacred, transcending boundaries, and realising our profound interconnectedness with the universe.
Daily 9.30am-2.30pm schedule
Session 1
Welcome and Introduction
30 minutes Seated Meditation (Guided) 9.30am-10.00am
10 minutes Walking Meditation (Guided) 10.00am-10.10am
30 minutes Seated Meditation (Silent) 10.10am-10.40am
20 minutes Theory & Discussion (Spoken) 10.40am-11.00am
Session 2
30 minutes Seated Meditation (Silent) 11.00am-11.30am
10 minutes Walking Meditation (Silent) 11.30am-11.40am
30 minutes Seated Meditation (Partial Guidance) 11.40am-12.10pm
10 minutes Lying Meditation (Guided) 12.10pm-12.20pm
20 minutes Evaluation of Methods, Theory & Discussion (Spoken) 12.20pm-12.40pm
Silent lunch (Eating Meditation) 12.40pm-1.20pm
Session 3
30 minutes Seated Meditation (Partial Guidance) 1.20pm-1.50pm
10 minutes Walking Meditation or Lying Meditation (Silent) 1.50pm-2.00pm
20 minutes Seated Meditation (Silent) 2.00pm -2.20pm
10 minutes Theory & Discussion (Spoken) 2.20pm-2.30pm

What You Will Learn
Session 1: Consciousness
Session 2: Surrender
Session 3: Oneness
Session 4: Emptiness
Session 5: Compassion
Session 6: Liberation
Session 7: No-Self & Permanent Change
BIYOME’s Specialty Intensive Teacher Training can be undertaken as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) with Yoga Australia and/or the Meditation Association of Australia, as well as obtaining Continuing Education (CE) recognition with Yoga Alliance. The course contact hours, and non-contact hours (CPDs and CEs), allocated across Meditation Australia and the two registering yoga bodies do, however, differ. Please contact us for more information.
Should you wish to complete a full meditation certification (110 hours – 1000 hours) or yoga certification (150 hours – 650 hours), please view this Specialty Intensive Training as an elective within our full course offerings.
Details are available here:

Taught by:
Head Senior Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Yoga Therapist & Ayurvedic Practitioner
Director of BIYOME

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Biyome Biomedical Institute of Yoga and Meditation, 166 Pacey Rd, Upper Brookfield QLD 4069, Australia,Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Upper Brookfield


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