This exciting new show, “Rainy Days, Mondays & Good Old Dreams” sensitively explores the music and lives of the Carpenters from their early attempts to get a ‘break’, to some of their greatest influences as well as the challenges faced by the incomparable sibling duo along their journey to stardom and, ultimately, to tragedy.Kerry Le Bern sympathetically re-creates the nuances and characteristics of the beautiful soulful contralto tones of Karen Carpenter, whilst telling the tragic story of a life ended far too abruptly.
Kerry says, “I want to bring something very special to my audiences with this show, I want them to hear Karen’s vocals through my own interpretation, but I also want to tell their story, I want people to go away saying “how fascinating” or “I didn’t know that”.
Kerry is delighted to be joined on stage by her band and they will collectively transport you back to the 1970’s/early 1980’s with their unique and insightful performance. Not only will they have you tapping your toes and singing along, but they will reach out and touch your very soul with their poignant rendition of these classic songs. This is a show not to be missed.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Grove Theatre Eastbourne, 12 Grove Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4TJ, United Kingdom,Eastbourne, East Sussex