The Magician’s Sister follows the story of two women: an aspiring Magician driven by being the best, and her sister, who somewhat reluctantly serves as her “Wise Assistant.” When the Magician purposely disappears herself and leaves behind mysterious clues to solve, her sister becomes obsessed with finding her. As the two sisters’ stories dramatically unfold over the span of thirty years—interweaving the present and the past—we witness their struggle to fulfill their collective goals and conflicting individual desires, while they strive to perfectly execute Houdini’s famous “Metamorphosis” illusion. The Magician’s Sister explores the complexities of sisterhood, the ripple effects of family trauma, and the complicated pursuit and price of “being special,” while also incorporating the stories of real, historical female magicians and plenty of on-stage magic.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
881 Coyote Gulch Court, Ivins, UT, United States, Utah 84738