This Disney animated feature follows the adventures of the young lion Simba (Jonathan Taylor Thomas), the heir of his father, Mufasa (James Earl Jones). Simba's wicked uncle, Scar (Jeremy Irons), plots to usurp Mufasa's throne by luring father and son into a stampede of wildebeests. But Simba escapes, and only Mufasa is killed. Simba returns as an adult (Matthew Broderick) to take back his homeland from Scar with the help of his friends Timon (Nathan Lane) and Pumbaa (Ernie Sabella).Join us on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 19:00 pm for The Lion King, at Minskoff Theatre, New York, United States of America, Tickets are now on sale and prices range from 160.00 USD to 1855.00 USD, Don't miss your chance, Get your tickets for The Lion King today!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Minskoff Theatre, New York, United States
USD 160.00 to USD 1855.00