Mountain Home Productions proudly presents the inaugural show of their 2025 Legends Series: The Legendary Life of Tom Petty in the vibrant Music Town, Invermere, BC! This enchanting production will transport you through the extraordinary music and inspiring stories of one of rock and roll's most celebrated singer-songwriters. From timeless hits like "American Girl" and "Learning to Fly" to unforgettable collaborations with icons such as Bob Dylan and George Harrison, Tom Petty’s music has left an indelible mark on generations.Prepare for an exhilarating journey through Petty’s life and career, filled with iconic songs and heartfelt moments.
This remarkable show features Juno Award-winning artist Clayton Bellamy, a lifelong admirer of Tom Petty, leading an all-star band. Renowned for his work with The Road Hammers and his impressive solo career, Bellamy will embody Petty’s energy and spirit, delivering a truly authentic live performance. His skill as a singer, guitarist, songwriter, and producer ensures a powerful tribute that captures the very essence of Petty's music. Don’t miss this extraordinary theatrical experience!
VIP Experience: Kick off the night in style with our exclusive VIP experience! Indulge in a mouthwatering meal expertly prepared by the acclaimed Conrad's Kitchen, featuring a diverse selection of flavors, including a vegan option to delight every palate. Enjoy prime front-of-house table seating, placing you right at the heart of the excitement. This is your chance to savor unforgettable cuisine in a captivating atmosphere!
VIP Doors Open: 5:45 PM
VIP Dinner Service: 6:00 - 6:30 PM
General Admission Doors Open: 6:45 PM
Show Starts: 7:30 PM
Don't miss out on this unforgettable evening of music and dining!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Columbia Valley Center, 646 4 St, Invermere, British Columbia, 646 4th St, Invermere, BC V0A, Canada,Invermere, Canmore