Our 25th show is aptly titled Pyar Ishq Mohabbat – The Khans! Starting from the late 80s, the Chocolate Boys rose and ruled Bollywood most stylishly, bringing in a volcanic change in the way love was perceived by the New Age youth. While the Amitabhs and Mithuns, the Jeetendras and Dharmendras were slowly falling into the mature categories in the 80s, Shah Rukh, Salman and Aamir came in like a breath of fresh air. The definition of romance changed drastically. ESP brings to you some of the most loved songs of these heroes who ruled the young hearts in the most innocent ways. Gear up for our silver jubilee show! We assure you yet another musical memory… this time The King Size!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Chowdiah Memorial Hall: Bengaluru, 16th Cross, G.D. Park Extension, 2nd Main Road, Malleswaram, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560003, India, Bangalore