The Half-Pint Comedy Hour is a live variety show held at the legendary Arlene's Grocery in the Lower East Side. Each month we feature an eclectic mix of sketches stand-up live music and a whole lot more in-between.
For those bored by the thousands of run-of-the-mill comedy shows New York has to offer Half-Pint can guarantee that they'll provide an hour and a half experience that you can't get anywhere else.
Our line-up this month features some of the city's hottest rising comics including:
- Leo Cofresi (Game Theory)
- Malia Simon (The Stand)
- Chanel Ali (Girl Code)
As well as a performance from indie-rock band Pulp Fever
This is sure to be a night that you don't want to miss!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Arlene's Grocery, 95 Stanton Street, New York City, United States