The Greatest (Game) Show in the Universe is a part of the captivating universe of “The GSU” (The Greatest Show in the Universe). This story revolves around the inter-dimensional Ringmaster who arrives on Earth to host a reality show in search of exceptional talent. His discoveries are incredibly diverse, often hilarious, and occasionally shocking.
The Greatest (Game) Show in the Universe is a show these characters produce as part of their adventures. With the aim to build awareness of the GSU, stream to as many planets as possible, and spread the good word. The Ringmaster needs the help and participation of the audience to achieve these goals. The game show is a family-friendly performance that encourages, diversity, inclusivity, authenticity, and fun! The world of the GSU is inspiring, obscure, hilarious, and at times surprisingly deep and relevant to Earth’s current issues.
Portrayed by the creator and actor/performer Richard Mueck (in collaboration with A Blanck Canvas), the enigmatic inter-dimensional Ringmaster exudes magnetic charm tinged with off-beat eccentricity, he leads the show with chaotic energy and unstoppable enthusiasm.
The Greatest (Game) Show in the Universe is an interactive gameshow unlike any other. Imagine humans engaging in crazy, cosmic, antics, tackling mind-bending Earth trivia, and embracing gravity-defying challenges. The prizes and stakes are high, with contestants playing for everything from, outlandish alien paraphernalia, starship scholarships, mouth-bending inter-dimensional snacks, and even the future of life and freedom on Earth itself!
Not surprisingly, the games are as weird and diverse as the prizes themselves. Games include:
• “The Cosmic Quiz” - utilising the GSU’s patented “Bio-organic Buzzers”
• “Balls of Destiny”
• “Space-Walk Challenge”
• “Parasite Fight”
And many more…
The 45-minute performance involves audience participation and promises an out-of-this-world hilarious spectacle.
All Tickets $18
For families with children aged 5-12 years
Everyone aged 2 years and older requires a ticket for this event
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
2 Patrick Northeast Drive, Narre Warren, Narre Warren, VIC, Australia, Victoria 3805