The Great Compassion Mantra Blessings & Meditation
Guan Yin is short for Guan Shi Yin which means “the one who hears the sounds or cries of the world.” As Guan Shi Yin Pusa she is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Compassion is the heartfelt awareness of the suffering of others with a sincere desire to alleviate it.
Because of Guan Yin’s deep compassion and mercy she is a champion of the unfortunate sick and needy. She has made many vows that demonstrates her deep and total commitment to end suffering and there are a multitude of heart-touching stories from those who have called upon her in times of need to save their lives restore health and more.
Da Bei Zhou (The Great Compassion Mantra) is a mantra of 87 lines which are the name of 87 Buddhas. According to the teachings this is because the Da Bei Zhou has the power to transform karmic blockages with great love and light. Join us to learn this sacred mantra experience Guan Yin’s compassion and receive blessings that can nourish and transform any aspect of life.
This event will conduct on Full moon each month. There will be on March 14 at 8-9pm AEDT.
Please contact by [email protected]
For Registration please use the Zoom Link below https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvduuurDssGtaU0rhfRslK4WD1Az1BVJzz
Event Venue
AUD 10.00