✚ The Flying Luttenbachers
✚ Gibfum
🎫 Pre-sale tickets for 400,-czk:
Entrence fee at the door: 450,-czk
The Flying Luttenbachers jsou naprosté legendy brutálního prog rocku. Zapoměň na prog rock co poslouchal tvůj táta, The Flying Luttenbachers produkují šílenou a zároveň brilantně rafinovanou fúzi experimentálního punku, no wave, free jazzu, noiseu a extrémního metalu. Trio Weasel Walter, Luke Polipnick a James Paul Nadien vzniklo v roce 1991 v Chicagu, v roce 2003 se relokovalo do Kalifornie, ukončilo činnost v roce 2007, znovu se dalo dohromady o deset let později v New Yorku, aby se po spirále vrátilo zpět tam, kde celá ta šílená jízda začala – do Chicaga v roce 2022. Svojí dvaadvacátou desku Losing The War Inside Our Heads vydali TFL loni a s ní se vrací do Evropy v téměř původní sestavě, zatímco v historii prošla kapelou celá řada zajímavých hudebníků, namátkou třeba Ed Rodriguez (Deerhoof) nebo Mick Barr (Krallice). Povinnost pro fans Skin Draft katalogu a kapel jako Melt-Banana, The Locust, Arab On Radar, Lightning Bolt nebo u nás díky AM180 populárních Wolf Eyes.
Jako support se nominovali a z Berlína přijedou kámoši TFL, trio Gibfum (členové Goshawk, Asthma Choir, ex-Batalj, ex-Hure). Čekej extrémně hlasitý harsh / grind / industrial / noise punk á la Brak, Boredoms nebo White Mice.
The Flying Luttenbachers are absolute legends of brutal prog rock. Forget the prog rock your dad listened to, The Flying Luttenbachers produce a crazy and brilliantly refined fusion of experimental punk, no wave, free jazz, noise and extreme metal. The trio of Weasel Walter, Luke Polipnick and James Paul Nadien was formed in 1991 in Chicago, relocated to California in 2003, ceased operations in 2007, reunited ten years later in New York to spiral back to where the whole crazy ride began – to Chicago in 2022. TFL released their twenty-second album Losing The War Inside Our Heads last year and with it they return to Europe in almost the original line-up, while a number of interesting musicians have passed through the band in its history, such as Ed Rodriguez (Deerhoof) or Mick Barr (Krallice). A must for fans of the Skin Draft catalog and bands like Melt-Banana, The Locust, Arab On Radar, Lightning Bolt or Wolf Eyes, popular in our country thanks to AM180.
Friends TFL, the trio Gibfum (members of Goshawk, Asthma Choir, ex-Batalj, ex-Hure) have nominated themselves as support and will be coming from Berlin. Expect extremely loud harsh / grind / industrial / noise punk á la Brak, Boredoms or White Mice.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Bike_Jesus, Ostrov Štvanice 1125, 170 00 Praha, Česko,Prague, Czech Republic