Teachings of the MEDICINE WHEEL / Učenje MEDICINSKOG KOTAČA - vikend radionica

Fri Oct 25 2024 at 07:00 pm to Sun Oct 27 2024 at 06:00 pm UTC+02:00

Voćarska cesta, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska | Zagreb

Teachings of the MEDICINE WHEEL \/ U\u010denje MEDICINSKOG KOTA\u010cA  - vikend radionica
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Znanje ‘svetog kruga’ zvanog Medicinski kotač primjenjuje se oduvijek kroz sve drevne kulture, te služi za proširenje svijesti i povezivanje sa ’svime što nas čini’, te zasigurno produbljuje odnos sa samim sobom.
Svaki smjer nosi svoje kvalitete i značenja, a aktivacija svih smjerova stvara siguran prostor za putovanje u sebe, te produbljuje metafizičko iskustvo vlastitog bića.
Takvo povezivanje donosi uvide, jasnoću, podršku našem unutarnjem navigacijskom sistemu i bolje razumijevanje trenutne situacije u kojoj se nalazimo.
Kako bi utjelovili i primjenili doživljena iskustva u svakodnevni život koristimo mapu 5Ritmova, koja nas vodi kroz ovo vikend putovanje, jer se iznimno dobro povezuje, nadopunjuje i podržava učenja Medicinskog kotača. Snažno je iskustvo povezati sve mape u jednu i produbiti međupovezanost sa svime:)
Radionica pruža;
- prošireno znanje o kvaliteti svakog smjera,
- tehnike povezivanja,
- aktivaciju medicinskog kotača kroz Vision Quest,
- analizu odnosno razumijevanje iskustva kroz simboliku i značenja
- integraciju svega toga kroz tijelo i pokret
Aspekt fizičkog tijela kroz pokret u ovom radu je važan i neizostavan dio procesa, koji ubrzava i utjelovljuje naše iskustvo u svakodnevni život.
Ovo putovanje prilagođeno je svima koje pozove ovakvo istraživanje, početnicima koji se prvi puta susreću sa ovim praksama ili onima koji već poznaju ovakav rad i žele produbiti razumijevanje o istom.
KADA/VRIJEME :: 25 - 27.10.

pet, od 19 - 21,30h
sub, od 10,30 - 18h
ned, 10 - 17h
MJESTO:: MO Voćarska 71, Zagreb
CIJENE: 130 eura snižena cijena za rane prijave do 19.10.
nakon toga cijena je 150 eura
PRIJAVE za radionice su ISKLJUČIVO putem on-line prijavnice:
Po prijavi stiže mail sa detaljnijim informacijama neposredno prije radionice.
INFO : Romana - 091/41 41 218, [email protected]
o voditeljici
Voditeljica radionice je Romana Soldo, certificirana učiteljica metode 5Ritmova, koju prakticira preko 20 g, a podučava je internacionalno skoro 10tak godina;
Susret sa ovom praksom naučio me kako da se maknem samoj sebi sa puta, na jednostavan i prirodan način kroz pokret, uvidim da je tijelo i vlastita energija ~ najbolji učitelj. Oživljavanje intuicije tijela produbljuje razumijevanje vlastitog bića, spontano otkriva naš autentični jezik izražavanja, ući nas kako otpustitit ograničenja, prihvatiti svoje kvalitete i darove, kako postati prisutni u trenutku protočni za životnu silu koja neprestano teče.
Zadnjih 30 godina izučavam znanja drevnih naroda sj i južne Amerike, Egipta, stare Europe, Bliskog istoka, Indije i Japana. Prakticiram jogu 27 godina. Paralelno s time završavam razne edukacije na području energetskog rada kao su; Reiki, Core šamanizam Michaela Harnera, radila sam sa raznim učiteljima sj. am. indijanaca Lakota tradicije poput B. Tutlle (indijanskog imena Standing Holy), inicirana sam uživo u tradicionalna učenja Quero indijanaca, (učenje lijeve, desne i srednje strane) od M. Neylan. Zadnje 3g. prakticiram i završavam edukaciju Biogoemetrije, dr. Karima ( koja se bavi mjerenjem kvalitete suptilnih energija i harmonizacije svega što ima oblik, uključujući naše tijelo/organe i prostor).
Spomenute prakse svakodnevno koristim kao higijenu duha, meni su osobno iscjeljujuće i vrlo moćne kao alat za kokreiranje vlastitog životnog puta.
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The teachings of the 'sacred circle' called the Medicine Wheel has always been used by all ancient cultures for expanding consciousness and connection with 'everything we are made of', and for deepening the relation with oneself.
Each direction carries its own qualities and meanings, the activation of all directions creates a safe space for traveling within and deepens the metaphysical experience of one's being.
Such connection brings insights, clarity, support to our internal navigation system and a better understanding of the current situation in which we find ourselves.
In order to embody and ground our experience into daily life, we are using the 5Rhythms map, because it complements and supports the teachings of the Medicine Wheel extremely well. It's a powerful experience to connect all the maps into one and deepen the interconnectedness with everything :)
The workshop will give you;
- deeper knowledge about the quality of each direction,
- connection techniques,
- activation of the medicine wheel through Vision Quest,
- understanding of your experience with explanation of symbols and meanings,
- integration of all this through the body and movement
The aspect of the physical body through movement in this work is an important and indispensable part of the process, which accelerates and embodies our experience into everyday life.
This work is suitable for everyone who is invited by this kind of research, beginners who encounter these practices for the first time or those who already know this kind of work and want to deepen their understanding of it.
WHEN :: 25 - 27 October

Friday, from 19 - 21:30
Sat, from 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m
Sun, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m
VENUE:: MO Voćarska 71, Zagreb
PRICES: 130 euros reduced price for early registrations until 19.10.
after that the price is 150 euros
REGISTRATIONS for workshops are EXCLUSIVELY via the online application form:
Upon registration, you will receive an email with more detailed information immediately before the workshop.
INFO: Romana - 091/41 41 218, [email protected]
the workshop is facilitated by Romana Soldo, a certified teacher of the 5Rhythm method, which she has been practicing for over 20 years, and has been teaching internationally for almost 10 years;
This practice taught me how to get out of my own way, in a simple and natural way through movement, to see that the body and my own energy ~ is the best teacher. Reviving the intuition of the body deepens the understanding of one's own being, spontaneously discovers our authentic language of expression, teaches us how to let go of limitations, accept our qualities and gifts, how to become present in the moment allowing the life force to move freely.
For the last 30 years, I have been studying the teachings of the natives of North and South America, Egypt, ancient Europe, the Middle East, India and Japan. I have been practicing yoga for 27 years. In parallel with that, I am completing various educations in the field of energy work, such as; Reiki, Core Shamanism by Michael Harner, I have worked with various teachers of the Lakota tradition like B. Tuttle (known by native name Standing Holy), I was initiated in person into the traditional teachings of the Quero nation, (teachings of the left, right and middle side) by M. Neylan. The last 3 years. I am practicing and completing the education of Dr. Karim's Biogeometry (science for measuring the quality of subtle energies and the harmonization of everything that has a form, including our body/organs and space).
I use the mentioned practices daily as my spiritual hygiene, for me they are healing and very powerful tools for co-creating my life path.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Voćarska cesta, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska, Zagreb, Croatia

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