It is the responsibility of every participating angler to know, understand and abide by these tournament rules during this competition. Any participant who deliberately violates these rules will immediately be disqualified.
Disqualification results in total forfeiting of any and all prizes.
Only registered competitors are eligible for any potential qualifying prizes.
The safety of all anglers and their teammates is their responsibility and should be the first consideration in all aspects of this competition.
Any intentional cheating, harassing of other anglers or any other conduct determined by the tournament staff to be outside the spirit of good sportsmanship will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate disqualification and permanent ejection from the tournament.
All dates and times stated will be based upon the Central Standard Time zone.
If you have been previously disqualified from another tournament for cheating, and/or have failed a polygraph for another tournament, you will not be allowed entry into our tournament.
A polygraph may be administered to the winners at the conclusion of the Take a Bite Out of Cancer Tournament at the discretion of Team Shark at the Moon.
Check in Starts at 6am on Friday, July 12th, 2024.
Read the Rules. It is the responsibility of every participating angler to know, understand and abide by these tournament rules during this competition.
Take A Bite Out of Cancer is operated with 100% volunteer effort, this is not a business, it is a surf fishing tournament conceived to raise money for people whose lives have been changed by cancer. If you do not agree with our methods, rules, or requirements, please do not enter.
To submit photo entries – You must be in line at Hooked on Tackle by 2pm on Sunday, July 14th, 2024. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED
All catches must be caught on rod and reel.
All TPWD, State and Local laws and regulations apply.
Land based only: fishing rod and reel must remain on the land when fishing.
Boundaries – Sabine Pass to Matagorda. No state or Federal parks. i.e. Galveston State Park, Padre Island National Seashore is off limits. This does not include federal or state wildlife reserves.
All catches must be successfully caught and released.
Participants may ONLY get help landing and releasing their shark, angler must reel in his/her own shark. Spotting is allowed (shouldering a pole or holding the back of a fighting belt), but only the participant claiming the fish may crank on the reel. Some extra assistance in the kids division may be allowed.
Assisting taking the rod off the tower/deck/platform to ground is allowed without cranking the reel.
Only anglers registered in the shark division are allowed to deploy their own bait or other anglers in the shark division’s baits.
Jet skis, zodiacs and drones will be allowed.
Fishing will only be allowed from the beach. No piers, jetties or bays.
Catch, tag (if possible), measure, PHOTO and RELEASE.
Date and Time on the Camera must be set correctly. Please remove any existing photos prior to the event.
All photos must now be taken with a digital camera and the photos themselves turned in on an SD Card. Cell phone, GoPro’s, drone cameras will not be permitted.
Tournament participants can only place once in any given division.
Any participants who are disqualified forfeit their entry fees. The entire entry fee will be donated to the beneficiary of the tournament.
See below for rules regarding photos.
All photos must now be taken with a digital camera and the photos themselves turned in on an SD Card. Cell phone, GoPro’s, drone cameras will not be permitted.
You the angler must prove to Take a Bite Out of Cancer the measurement of your catch via required digital photographs as defined within these rules and examples given on the example page. Please read and understand these rules & requirements, failure to have pictures verifying the submitted length of your catch can result in disqualification.
SHARK PHOTO: (Angler Photo) Angler posing with entire shark visible, lying straight, Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler held correctly, and taken from correct angle. Further details below. Angler must use our ruler.
SHARK PHOTO: (Total Length Photo) Using the 120 inch ruler, a photo containing the tip of the tail & a legible and verifiable total length measurement. Further details below.
SHARK PHOTO: (Fork Length Photo) Using the 120 inch ruler, a photo containing the fork of the tail & a legible and verifiable fork length measurement. Further details below.
NON-SHARK PHOTO: (Angler Photo) Angler posing with entire catch visible, lying straight, Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler held correctly, and taken from the correct angle. Further details below. Angler must use our ruler.
NON-SHARK PHOTO: (Measurement Photo) Photo containing a legible and verifiable total length measurement of your catch with the correct ruler visible and not covered up. Further details below.
Take multiples of each required photo and review them to ensure that an adequate picture has been taken.
Discuss the process with the person taking photos in advance so they understand the procedures.
SHARK PHOTO: (Angler Photo)
One photo required showing the angler posing with the shark, looking at the camera.
The Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler must be held straight, visible and legible within the photo.
The Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler must be held straight along the length of the shark, in front of and near or touching the dorsal fin, shark tag visible if applicable.
The entire shark must be straight, visible and clean within the photo.
Do not hold tail, take photo perpendicular to the length of the shark.
Fork length reported by the angler must be verifiable in PHOTO #1 for it to qualify.
Fork lengths are verified via software using the Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler to scale the photographer and verify measurement.
SHARK PHOTO (Total Length Photo)
One photo required showing the tip of the tail & the 120″ ruler visible and legible.
The fork length represented within this photo must match the length reported by the angler on the catch-log & must be visible & verifiable in SHARK PHOTO 2 for it to quality.
Sharks are measured in a straight line with tape measure held tight above the shark.
Do not follow curvature of the shark with the tape measure.
SHARK PHOTO (Fork Length Photo)
One photo required showing the fork length & the 120″ ruler visible and legible.
The fork length represented within this photo must match the length reported by the angler on the catch-log & must be visible & verifiable in SHARK PHOTO 3 for it to qualify.
Fork lengths are verified via software using the Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler to scale the photograph and verify the measurement.
NON-SHARK PHOTO (Angler Photo)
One photo required showing the angler posing with the catch, looking at the camera.
The entire catch must be straight, visible and clean within the photo.
The Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler must be straight, visible and legible within the photo.
Take photo perpendicular to the length of the catch.
NON-SHARK PHOTO (Measurement Photo)
One photo required.
If catch is less than 48″, Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler is to be used.
If catch is longer than 48″, then 120″ ruler must be used.
The catch must be straight, visible & clean.
The ruler used must be straight, visible & legible.
The total length of the catch represented within this photo must match the length on the catch-log.
Fish lengths are measured in a straight line, from tip of closed jaw or tip of nose (whichever is longer and applies to species of fish), to tip of tail.
DO NOT extend lower jaw and take measurements from there.
One photo required showing the angler in a safe position away from the tail of ray.
The entire Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler must be straight, visible and legible within the photo.
The Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler must be held over the width of the ray to represent the measurement from wingtip to wingtip.
STINGRAY PHOTO (Measurement Photo)
One photo required.
If catch is less than 48″, Take a Bite Out of Cancer ruler is to be used.
If catch is longer than 48″, then 120″ ruler must be used.
Always keep tail away from angler.
The ray’s outline must be visible.
The ruler must be straight, visible and legible.
The total length from wingtip to wingtip represented within this photo must match the length on the catch-log.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Stahlman Park, Stahlman Park, 2211 Blue Water Hwy, Freeport, TX 77541, United States,Surfside Beach, Texas