SYDNEY Womb & Fertility Massage Practitioner Training

Wed Jun 19 2024 at 11:00 am to Sat Jun 22 2024 at 07:30 pm

Darlinghurst , Sydney | Pyrmont

Edwina Taylor
Publisher/HostEdwina Taylor
SYDNEY Womb & Fertility Massage Practitioner Training Womb and Fertility Massage Practitioner Course
20th to 23rd June 2024
9am to 5:00pm
Oxford St Darlinghurst Sydney

Womb and Fertility Massage course, is an empowering modality for women to heal and transform. Whether you want to become a practitioner or do this course for your own healing, you will walk away feeling like a changed woman. If you wish to become a practioner to help women in with hormonal issues such as PCOS, endometriosis, hormone imbalances, digestive complaints, fertility and IVF issues, menopause, womb and birth trauma, ancestral healing, sexual, physical and emotional abuse and connecting back to your body.

It has been a powerful tool in helping to heal emotionally and physically to feel whole and connected.

This 4 day spiritual, theory and practical course will include womb, digestive, abdomen, sacrum and sacral massage, ceremonial wrapping, journeying into your menstrual cycle, sharing and connecting to other women in a safe and nurturing environment. .
This course is not your average massage course it is an opportunity to find yourself, reclaim your power, wisdom and voice.

Fertility Massage Therapy™ is a nourishing blend of modalities, that when combined, aims to bring harmony and balance to the Reproductive, Digestive & Sacral areas.
On a much deeper and probably more important level, this unique therapy re-awakens and re-connects women to their bodies, especially their womb. With each element nurtured, a Fertility journey is nurtured and nourished…
Fertility and Womb Massage is an incredibly powerful and emotional releasing therapy with a strong focus on the physical and energetic approach to the womb, this therapy is suitable for women of all reproductive stages, as well as trying to conceive.
This practical hands-on course will teach you how to safely perform the womb, digestive & sacral massage on your clients. It is important that practitioners choosing to offer Womb & Fertility Massage gain a good understanding of the fertility process, common conditions presented by clients and knowledge to help clients whilst remaining within the scope of their professional training and this is all included in the manuals that are given as part of the course.
4 Day Intensive Course
Practitioner Listing on website for 1 year
Access to Private Facebook Forum for invaluable ongoing support
Certification Process
Comprehensive Course E-Book, Theory Handouts and Videos
Resources Page with visualisations, self help programme, e-books, articles and more...
Exchange $1990 + GST (for qualified massage therapists)
$500 deposit, Payment Plans are Available
20 CPE Points available
If you are not a qualified massage therapist we have pathways to enable you to do the course, so please get in touch.
To view the course and what this looks like visit here

Edwina provides a safe and nurturing environment for you to transform and become the woman you want to be. Working in women’s health since 2006, Edwina has helped thousands of women to be the best version they can be through womb and fertility massage, healing their mindset and incorporating embodiment practises to integrate change in the nervous system.
Through releasing trauma from the body, you will find your nervous system to be less reactive, less triggered and have more energy because your system is not overloaded with what is running in the background. Having a balanced nervous system creates safety in the body which brings trust and reassurance, this deepens awareness and enables you to reconnect to your intuition and inner guidance to make the right choices through life.
With her knowledge and qualifications in counselling, women’s health and fertility, Edwina is renowned for her succcess in helping women to fall pregnant, with a success rate of 60% of women falling pregnant through her signature fertility program which connects not only the physical, but the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of bringing everything together to feel safe to fall pregnant. Edwina’s approach is holistic and open to women whether conceiving naturally or with medical intervention.
She is currently undergoing a degree in Psychology to further expand her knowledge and skills in Psychotherapy.
Alongside having her own clinic and working online globally, Edwina teaches the Womb and Fertility Massage Course to practitioners in Australia being a support and mentor to them. After working for years with the founder of Womb and Fertility Massage, Clare Spink, Edwina was honoured to become an associate instructor and share her passion for teaching other practitioners.
If you are ready to change and take the necessary steps to do this, Edwina can help you stay accountable in a nurturing and safe way that gives you permission to be the best version of you!
Some media highlights from her career include her guest appearance on Perth’s popular radio station Hit 92.9 breakfast show talking about fertility massage, hormones and the contraceptive pill. She was also involved in Hit 92.9’s happiness project and has been featured in the STM Sunday Times, Perth Now Online news and the community newspaper sharing her experience of fertility success with clients.
Edwina’s passion and excitement comes through when she is talking about what she loves, which is most evident in women’s health and fertility. It’s for this reason, that Edwina has had the privilege of being invited to speak at a number of events hosted by organisations throughout Perth. Most recently she was a guest speaker with the Endometriosis Perth Sisterhood of Support, giving guidance and counselling on women’s health. She spoke at Central Tafe, representing Fertility Massage to their Remedial Massage students and she was a key note speaker at The Flourish Centre, presenting on stress, hormones and your fertility, In her career to date, 2018 saw a great milestone achieved and true honour experienced with her invitation to present at Australia’s largest women’s festival known as Secrets in the Garden, attracting over 3000 attendees. At this event, her presentation on the menstrual cycle, miscarriage and womb healing was well received.
Alongside having her own clinic in Perth Western Australia, Edwina has travelled locally and internationally to support Clare with the fertility massage practitioner course and is a mentor and trainer for practitioners who are based in Australia and Overseas.
As an associate instructor and mentor her passion is to train more practitioners within Australia and overseas to learn womb and fertility massage, coming from a place of love and kindness and connecting back to their own wombs and feeling confident to share this with their clients.
To learn more about Edwina visit

Event Venue

Darlinghurst , Sydney, 44 Collins St, Annandale NSW 2038, Australia,Sydney, Australia, Pyrmont

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