स्वर्णिम भारतउड़ान सीजन-3
Register your name for competition
Congratulations &
Best wishes �
Organize by
#foodie #foodlover
Hotel Ekana, Jaipur
Hotel Sun City Plaza, Jaipur
#udaan cooking Competition jaipur 2025
organized by Passion of Cooking group
Contest for home Chefs at Hotel Ekana jagatpura jaipur
Details are as follows:-
1. Theme -Indian Traditional Food( भारतीय परंपरागत भोजन)
2. Date - 13th April 2025
3. Type of Indian l cuisine - any Starter / main course/ dessert
4. No. of dishes -any number
5. Venue -Hotel Ekana ,32-A, 80 feet road, swaroop vihar, Near NRI circle, Jagatpura jaipur .
6. Ph no - 8619376039
7. Eligibility - minimum 18 +years age ...n above for homechef/ 18 and below 18 can take part in category young chef
Applicable to both men /women
8. Registration fee- for homechef Rs 500 /- for young Chefs Rs 100/-
Requisites of contest
1. Contestants are supposed to bring to the venue, home cooked food items prepared by themselves n present it there. No market purchased stuff to be displayed .
2. They have to come well equipped with the crockery n other items required for presentation . ( खाना बना के लाना है । अपनी क्रॉकरी cutlery व सजावट का समान नैप्किन टाउल , apron सब कुछ घर से लाना है )
3. They will not be provided with any item at the venue except the space for display .
qualified participants will select for prize
9. Award function at same venue same day after Competition.
Here is a chance to prove your culinary skills at the platform provided by passion of cooking group, jaipur Rajasthan.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India