Syntheetika ja Damn.Loud Agency esitlevad: electro-industriaali pioneer Belgiast SUICIDE COMMANDO esineb laupäeval, 15. märtsil Paavli Kultuurivabrikus. Erikülalisena astuvad eksklusiivse vanakooli tume-elektroonika setiga lavale electro-industriaal-rokkarid Eestist FREAKANGEL 🔥🎫 Piletid 👉
Suicide Commando asutajal Johan van Royl on ette näidata üks pikemaid karjääre tume-elektroonikas, millele pani aluse tagasihoidlik algus 1980-ndate elektroonilise kehamuusika (EBM) skeenel ning millest kasvas välja selle muusikažanri juhtfiguur.
Suicide Commando loomingut iseloomustab van Roy vastik, ultranihilistlik maailmavaade ja inimloomuse pimedate külgede vankumatu uurimine, mis on meistrilikult pakendatud intensiivsesse ja tantsupõrandatele orienteeritud kõlasse – omapärasesse segusse sügavalt löövatest biitidest, kummitavalt atmosfäärilisest elektroonikast ning sõltuvusttekitavalt psühhootilisest, halastamatult agressiivsest vokaalstiilist.
Pea 40 aastat tegutsenud Suicide Commando ei ole mitte ainult olnud tumedama elektroonilise muusika üheks teerajajaks, vaid ka tänase päevani jääb bänd žanri novaatoriks. 1986. aastal Johan van Roy poolt asutatud projekt tegi endale kaheksakümnendate ja üheksakümnendate piiril nime mitmete iseväljaantud reliisidega. Kui 1994. aastal avaldas bänd oma esimese täispika plaadi “Critical Stage”, kujunes tänu sellele Suicide Commandost peagi üks skeene olulisemaid tegijaid.
Igaveste klubihittide, nagu näiteks “See You In Hell” või “Hellraiser” ja muljetavaldava nimekirjaga edukatest albumitest, alates elektroonilise muusika klassikast “Mindstrip”, “Axis Of Evil”, “Bind, Torture, K*ll” ja “Implements Of Hell” kuni apokalüptilise meistriteoseni “When Evil Speaks”, on Suicide Commando jätkuvalt žanrimääraja, arendades samas pidevalt enda omanäolist kõla sünteetiliselt indutseeritud kaosest.
Aina kasvava ja äärmiselt truu fännibaasiga seljataga on Suicide Commando üks populaarsemaid live-artiste kogu skeenes, olles tuntud oma plahvatuslike esinemiste poolest. Märtsis on Suicide Commando tulemas viimaks ka Eestisse.
Erikülalisena astub lavale Eesti oma Freakangel, kes esineb vanakooli tume-elektroonika setiga. Bändi sõnul ootab publikut korralikult raputav elamus Freakangeli kolme esimese albumi “The Faults Of Humanity”, “Let It All End” ja “The Ones To Fall” hittide saatel. Eksklusiivne kava esitleb projekti tooret ja võimsat energiat, viies kuulajaid tagasi ansambli tumeda elektroonika juurte - ehk nende varajase kõla juurde, mis on täis agressiivseid biite, kummitavaid süntesaatoreid ja intensiivset vokaali. Alates oma debüüdist 2010. aastal on Freakangel olnud industriaalmuusika skeene liikumapanev jõud, kes on tuntud oma elektrifitseerivate live-esinemiste ja ainulaadse tumeda elektroonika ja industriaalmetalli segu poolest.
Kohtume laupäeval, 15. märtsil Paavli Kultuurivabrikus.
Uksed tehakse lahti 19:00. Kontsertprogrammi algus 20:00. Piletid müügil Piletilevis.
Üritust toetab Flandria esindus.
Syntheetika and Damn.Loud Agency present: Belgian pioneers of electro-industrial SUICIDE COMMANDO will be performing in Tallinn at Paavli Kultuurivabrik on Saturday, March 15, 2025. The full-length show will be the artist’s first ever gig in Estonia. Special guest - electro-industrial rockers from Estonia FREAKANGEL with an exclusive old school dark electro set.
🎫 Tickets 👉
Suicide Commando founder Johan van Roy has had one of the longest careers in electro-industrial music, rising from humble beginnings in the '80s electronic body music (EBM) scene to become a figurehead of the genre.
Suicide Commando's music is characterised van Roy's nasty, ultra-nihilistic worldview and his unflinching exploration of the dark side of human nature, combined with the intense, dancefloor-focused sounds in which it was packaged.
Going strong for almost 40 years, Suicide Commando have not only been pioneers of the harder Electro genre, but continue being innovators up to this very day. Formed in 1986 by Johan van Roy, the band made a name for itself through a series of self-released tapes from the late Eighties to the early Nineties. When the group released its first full-length CD “Critical Stage” in 1994, it soon would evolve into one of the most popular and important acts of the scene.
On this and all of the subsequent releases, van Roy explores the dark side of humanity with lashing beats, haunting atmospheric electronics and an addictively psychotic and relentlessly aggressive vocal style. With eternal club hits, such as the seminal “See You In Hell” or “Hellraiser” and an impressive roster of successful album releases, from the classics “Mindstrip”, “Axis Of Evil”, “Bind, Torture, K*ll” and “Implements Of Hell” to the apocalyptic masterpiece “When Evil Speaks”, Suicide Commando continue to be genre-defining while always evolving their very own trademark sound of synthetically-induced mayhem.
They are a regular guest at the biggest scene-related festivals around the world and are renowned for their energetic stage performance. With an ever-growing rabid fan base at their back, Suicide Commando are one of the most popular live acts of the entire scene.
Special guest - Freakangel, who is excited to announce their participation in an upcoming show with the legendary Suicide Commando, where they will deliver an exclusive old school dark electro set. Expect a powerful performance featuring hits from Freakangel’s first three albums “The Faults Of Humanity”, “Let It All End” and “The Ones To Fall”. This special set will showcase the band’s raw, hard-hitting energy, taking the audience back to the dark electro roots that defined their early sound, with aggressive beats, haunting synths, and intense vocals. Since their debut in 2010, Freakangel has been a driving force in the industrial music scene, known for their electrifying live performances and a unique blend of dark electro and industrial metal.
See you on Saturday, March 15 at Paavli Kultuurivabrik, a venue that was named the Venue of the year at the Estonian Music Industry Awards ceremony.
Doors open 19:00, programme starts 20:00.
Tickets on sale in Piletilevi.
The event is supported by The Delegation of Flanders.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Paavli Kultuurivabrik, Paavli 4, Põhja-Tallinn, Tallinn, 10412 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia