(LAT)Kvintets “Stockholm Chamber Brass”
Orķestris “Rīga”
Diriģents Valdis Butāns
Kvintets Stockholm Chamber Brass (SCB) dibināts 1988. gadā, kad uzreiz guva atzinību, izcīnot 1. vietu Starptautiskajā metāla pūšaminstrumentu konkursā Narbonā, Francijā. Pēdējo 35 gadu laikā SCB kvintets kļuvis par vienu no vadošajiem pūšaminstrumentu ansambļiem pasaulē, pasūtot vairāk nekā 50 jaunas kompozīcijas no tādiem ievērojamiem komponistiem kā Anderss Hilborgs (Anders Hillborg) un Andrea Tarodi (Andrea Tarrodi).
Viņu starptautiski atzītie ieraksti, tostarp “Clockworks” (1995) un “Then” (2013), atspoguļo Stockholm Chamber Brass novatorisko repertuāru. Prestižais izdevums American Record Guide par albumu “Clockworks” rakstīja: “Mēs nespējam iedomāties labāku metāla pūšaminstrumentu kvintetu.”
SCB uzstājas pasaules mēroga festivālos, kā arī kopš 2016. gada vada savu akadēmiju (Stockholm Chamber Brass Academy) Zviedrijā, apvienojot kamermūzikas tradīciju ar mūsdienīgu muzikālo skanējumu.
Ārpus kvinteta tā dalībnieki aktīvi uzstājas kā solisti, profesori, orķestru koncertmeistari un diriģenti. Viņi ir guvuši uzvaras starptautiskos solo konkursos, tostarp ARD-Wettbwerb un CIEM Ženēvā. “Stockholm Chamber Brass” dalībnieki: Urban Agnas, Tom Poulson (trompetes), Annamia Larsson (franču rags), Jonas Bylund (trombons) un Dirk Hirthe (tuba).
Koncerta pirmajā daļā “Stockholm Chamber Brass” atskaņos īpaši izvēlētu oriģinālu kamermūzikas programmu, bet otrajā daļā, kopā ar Orķestri “Rīga”, tiks atskaņoti Danas Vilsones (Dana Wilson) “Quintessence” un Mata Larsona Gotes (Mats Larsson Gothe) “Clockworks”.
Koncerts “Stockholm Brass un Orķestris Rīga” notiks 2025. gada 10. aprīlī plkst. 19.00 LNB Ziedoņa zālē pavasara festivāla WINDSTREAM 2025 ietvaros.
Biļetes „Biļešu paradīzes” kasēs un
Līdz 2024. gada 31. decembrim aicinām iegādāties biļetes uz festivāla WINDSTREAM koncertiem ar 20% atlaidi, ievadot kodu WINDSTREAM20
“Stockholm Chamber Brass”
Orchestra “Riga”
Conductor Valdis Butāns
Founded in 1988, Stockholm Chamber Brass (SCB) gained immediate recognition by winning 1st Prize at the International Brass Quintet Competition in Narbonne, France. Over the past 35 years, SCB has become one of the world’s leading brass ensembles, commissioning more than 50 new works from distinguished composers such as Anders Hillborg and Andrea Tarrodi.
Their internationally acclaimed recordings, including Clockworks (1995) and Then (2013), reflect SCB’s innovative repertoire. The prestigious American Record Guide wrote about Clockworks: “I cannot imagine that a better brass quintet has ever existed.”
SCB regularly performs at major festivals and, since 2016, has run Stockholm Chamber Brass Academy in Sweden, blending chamber music traditions with modern musical expressions.
Outside the quintet, its members are active as soloists, professors, orchestra principals, and conductors. They have won prizes in international solo competitions, including the ARD-Wettbewerb and CIEM Geneva. The current members are Urban Agnas and Tom Poulson (trumpets), Annamia Larsson (horn), Jonas Bylund (trombone), and Dirk Hirthe (tuba).
In the concert’s first part, Stockholm Chamber Brass will present a curated program of it’s original chamber music. In the second part, joined by Orchestra Riga, they will perform Dana Wilson’s Quintessence and Mats Larsson Gothe’s Clockworks.
The concert "Stockholm Brass & Orchestra Riga", will take place on April 10, 2025, at 19:00 in the Ziedonis hall of the National Library of Latvia as part of the WINDSTREAM 2025 Spring Festival.
Tickets are available at "Biļešu paradīze" box offices and online at
Enjoy a 20% DISCOUNT on tickets for WINDSTREAM 2025 festival concerts until December 31, 2024, by using the code WINDSTREAM20 at checkout.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka "Gaismas pils", Mūkusalas iela 3, Rīga, LV-1048, Latvija,Riga, Latvia