Newyorský trubadúr, kytarový virtuóz a skladatel Steve Gunn se řadí mezi nejosobitější hlasy současné zaoceánské písničkářské scény.Za uplynulé dvě dekády má na kontě celou řadu sólových i kolaborativních nahrávek na labelech jako Matador a RVNG, spolupráci s Kurtem Vilem, Mikem Cooperem, Davidem Moorem i Meg Baird, působení v experimentální kapele GHQ, duu Gunn-Truscinski anebo nově vzniklém projektu Beings (ft. Shahzad Ismaily, Zoh Amba, Jim White) a především rozsáhlou a pestrou diskografii čerpající z amerického primitivismu, psychedelického rocku, folku, blues i free jazzu a lamonteovských dronů.
Gunnovu doposud poslední, šestou sólovou desku Other You (Matador) vychválil UNCUT i Pitchfork. Jejím nedávným rozšířením je kolekce reinterpretací původních skladeb nahraných s tlupou výjimečných hudebníků: Mdou Moctar, Natural Information Society i Circuit des Yeux.
„In subtle ways, this album ties together all of the various disciplines Gunn has previously explored, from American primitive guitar playing to jazz, folk, indie rock, and drone music. Yet it is also something entirely new with a unique sound that is a joy to spend time with.“ — UNCUT
Steve Gunn se do Prahy vrací ve středu 19. února, kdy se představí ve smíchovské MeetFactory.
450 KČ na webu MeetFactory a v síti GoOut
550 KČ na místě
New York-based troubadour, guitar virtuoso and composer Steve Gunn is one of the most distinctive voices of the contemporary singer-songwriter scene in the states.
Over the past two decades, Gunn has released numerous solo and collaborative records on labels such as Matador and RVNG, worked with Kurt Vile, Mike Cooper, David Moore or Meg Baird, been a part of the experimental band GHQ, the duo Gunn-Truscinski, and the newly formed project Beings (also featuring Shahzad Ismaily, Zoh Amba, and Jim White). Above all, he has built an extensive and vibrant discography drawing from American primitivism, psychedelic rock, folk, blues, free jazz, and lamonteesque drone.
Gunn's latest, sixth solo album Other You (Matador) got praised by UNCUT and Pitchfork among many others. A recent extension to the record is a collection of reinterpretations of the original tracks, recorded with a troupe of collaborators including Mdou Moctar, Natural Information Society, and Circuit des Yeux.
"In subtle ways, this album ties together all of the various disciplines Gunn has previously explored, from American primitive guitar playing to jazz, folk, indie rock, and drone music. Yet it is also something entirely new with a unique sound that is a joy to spend time with." — UNCUT
Steve Gunn returns to Prague on Wednesday, February 19 to perform a solo show at Smíchov's MeetFactory.
450 CZK via MeetFactory & GoOut
550 CZK at the door
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
MeetFactory, Ke Sklárně 3213/15, 150 00 Praha, Česko,Prague, Czech Republic