Spirit Boards for Beginners

Sat May 11 2024 at 01:00 pm to 02:30 pm

The Zen Shop | Oshawa

The Zen Shop
Publisher/HostThe Zen Shop
Spirit Boards for Beginners
Since their emergence in the late 19th century, Spirit Boards, also known as Ouija Boards, have captured public fascination, finding their way into novelty shops and homes alike. The allure was undeniable; newspaper advertisements from as early as 1891 touted them as mystical instruments capable of communicating with the deceased, offering insights into the past, present, and future with astonishing accuracy. Promising endless entertainment and diversion, Spirit Boards quickly gained popularity.
Over the years, these boards have been portrayed as harbingers of terror, perpetuated by Hollywood’s endless array of movie plotlines. But are Ouija boards truly malevolent, or is this portrayal merely sensationalized hype?
Join us in an exploration led by Reverend Karyn Williams, a High Priestess and Occult specialist. Together, we’ll delve into the rich history of Spirit Boards, unraveling the myths and superstitions propagated by media and modern culture. Rev. Karyn will serve as your guide, imparting wisdom on the proper etiquette surrounding these paranormal devices and offering effective techniques for communicating with the spiritual realm.
In this interactive session, you’ll have the opportunity for hands-on practical training, allowing you to experience firsthand the nuances of engaging with Spirit through the medium of the Ouija Board. So, whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, come join us as we unravel the mysteries surrounding these enigmatic tools of divination.
*Feel free to bring your own board for practice
Advance registration is required
Limited seating. First come first serve.
$25.00 + h.s.t.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

The Zen Shop, 308 Stevenson Rd. N.,Oshawa, Ontario, Canada


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