About this Event
Informacion en Espanol
Information in English below
Este programa ofrece capacitación en mejores prácticas de gestión para aplicar fertilizante y trabajando en el césped, árboles, paisaje, control de plagas o áreas de terrenos municipales.
Proporciona el entrenamiento y las pruebas necesarias para obtener una certificación limitada para fertilizante comercial los paisaje urbano (LCULCF).
¿Por qué debe usted asistir?
Esta clase cubre el mantenimiento de césped y plantas ornamentales, riego, fertilizantes y pesticidas.
Florida requiere a profesionales que aplican fertilizantes en las zonas urbanas de la Florida para tomar esta clase de 2014.
Condado de Hillsborough requiere que los aplicadores de fertilizantes tengan esta certificación y un vehículo de la etiqueta del condado.
La certificación CERTIFICATE
BMP se otorgará a aquellos que aprobación del examen,
por lo general dentro de los 30 días de haber tomado el examen.
FDACS CEUs: 2 Core, 2 L&O, O&T, LCLM, LLO, PA, LUF
Para más información, por favor contacta con:
Susie Haddock, (813)744-5519 ext. 54103
Extensión del Condado Hillsborough es un servicio cooperativo de la Junta de Comisionados del condado y la Universidad de Florida del Condado de Hillsborough.
This provides the training and testing necessary to obtain a Florida Fertilizer License, the Limited Certification for Urban Landscape Commercial Fertilizer (LCULCF). FL Senate Bill 494 requires all commercial fertilizer applicators to have a LCULCF as of January 1, 2014.
This program teaches the Best Management Practices for anyone working, supervising or advising in the lawn, landscape, pest control, or municipal grounds areas. The training is focused on reducing non-point source pollution resulting from fertilization or pesticide application.
Many Counties have adopted Fertilizer Use and Landscape Management Ordinances; check your County for details. The Hillsborough County Landscape Management and Fertilizer Use Rule and the City of Tampa Fertilizer Ordinance require all commercial, governmental and institutional fertilizer applicators to be GI-BMP certified and that work vehicles be identified with a vehicle decal.
The fertilizer rules and ordinances apply to all residents and owners of urban property, not just commercial applicators.
CERTIFICATE BMP certification will be awarded to those passing the exam, usually within 30 days of taking the exam.
GI-BMP Manual (It is strongly recommended that you obtain and study this GI-BMP manual prior to attending class). Click to download your copy.
FEE The training is offered at $30 to general professionals and at $20 to governmental employees. Discounts available for groups of 6 or more.
CEUs A maximum of 4 CEUs can be earned by attending this class. Attendees will earn 2 CORE and may select their 2 additional CEUs from: Pvt. App. Ag., O&T, LL&O, LCLM, Comm. L&O or Urban Fertilizer (LUCFA).
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Sadye Gibbs Martin Community Center302 S Maryland Ave, 302 South Maryland Avenue, Plant City, United States
USD 23.18