Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that uses vibrations tones and frequencies to promote physical emotional and spiritual well-being. It is based on the idea that everything in the universe including the human body has its own natural frequency and when these frequencies are out of balance it can lead to discomfort or illness. Sound healing aims to restore harmony by using various sound tools such as:
- Singing bowls: Traditional bowls often made of metal or crystal that create resonant sounds believed to promote relaxation and balance.
- Binaural beats: Audio frequencies played in each ear to induce different states of mind such as relaxation or heightened focus.
The practice is believed to help reduce stress improve mood enhance meditation and support physical healing by restoring the body’s energy flow and promoting relaxation.
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Event Venue
ENSO Studio, B-306, Times Square 2, The Secret Kitchen Complex, Ahmedabad, India
INR 750.00