Sound Healing Medicine: Multi-Instrument Training for Whole-Body Integration

Fri Aug 30 2024 at 09:00 am to 05:00 pm UTC+10:00

Biyome Biomedical Institute of Yoga and Meditation | Upper Brookfield

Biomedical Institute of Yoga and Meditation
Publisher/HostBiomedical Institute of Yoga and Meditation
Sound Healing Medicine: Multi-Instrument Training for Whole-Body Integration This course is only available as a Face-to-Face course.

Sound Healing is currently one of the fastest-growing modalities for holistic well-being and meditation. Modern scientific research increasingly aligns with the ancient wisdom of civilisations that harnessed sound’s power for Mind-Body-Spirit healing. Sound healing, an ancient practice employed for millennia, holds the keys to shifting energy, expanding consciousness, and facilitating self-healing and transformation. The practice of sound healing garners recognition and validation from the scientific community, offering a medicinal and potential path to support humanity’s timeless quest for Samadhi—deepening into a state of profound cosmic consciousness.
Anita Cassidy Bowman, a seasoned sound healing practitioner with a lifetime of expertise, will be your guide in this transformative course. Anita, often described as a master healer gifted with an angelic frequency, generously imparts her wealth of knowledge to empower you in harnessing the healing potential of sound within your own one-on-one therapeutic practice. Anita Cassidy Bowman’s meticulously crafted teachings will escort you on your own transformative journey toward profound healing and elevated states of consciousness, or Samadhi.
What Is Sound Healing Medicine
Sound Healing Medicine is a transformative therapy that utilises various healing sounds, music, and sound healing instruments to enhance our integrative well-being. It creates a profound experience that awakens and harmonises all layers of our bio-luminous energy field. Sound Healing Medicine is particularly effective in eliciting our relaxation response. Once elicited, the relaxation response immediately flips the switch on the genes that affect disease. Sound meditations alleviate symptoms caused by chronic stress, promoting equanimity throughout our entire being. The versatility of sound healing instruments allows for their application both directly on and off the body, complemented by the use of vocal sounds and tones. Sound Therapy employs instruments such as Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks, and more. These instruments are employed during one-on-one sound healing sessions or sound baths and emit specific frequencies and harmonious tones that resonate with the body’s energy centres, or chakras, facilitating a deep sense of relaxation and balance. Clients can passively listen to these healing sounds, allowing them to permeate their physical, mental, and emotional dimensions.
While some sound healing sessions encourage active participation, where clients may engage in vocalisation, movement, or other interactive practices, many individuals prefer a serene and tranquil experience. This passive approach allows the healing vibrations to penetrate their consciousness, working on multiple levels to restore harmony and promote well-being.
Sound healing, an ancient practice, has been embraced by various spiritual philosophies throughout history. It offers a powerful means of quieting the mind, enhancing self-awareness, and fostering a profound connection with one’s spirituality. As science continues to explore the therapeutic potential of sound, the transformative effects of sound healing are increasingly recognised and sought after by individuals seeking healing, balance, and a deeper understanding of themselves (Jahn, G. 2019).
The Science of Sound Healing Medicine
Scientific research has unequivocally substantiated a fundamental understanding held by ancient practitioners: sound possesses the extraordinary capacity to exert influence over the physical realm. Sound waves, as elucidated by contemporary science, exhibit the remarkable capability to reshape matter, govern crystalline structures, and even levitate objects (Smith, 2018).
Sound healing, a remarkably versatile modality, exhibits a profound potential to address a spectrum of conditions. These encompass anxiety, PTSD, dementia, cancer, and various behavioural disorders. Moreover, it contributes to the reduction of stress, decreased blood pressure, lowered cholesterol levels, enhanced sleep quality, and an overall elevation of well-being. The therapeutic impact of sound healing extends to the realms of profound relaxation and chakra harmonisation (Davis et al., 2020).
Sound, fundamentally a powerful force, emanates from the intricate movements and vibrations of matter. These sound waves, whether discernible to human senses or not, exude a profound influence on our reality. Healing instruments’ sound vibrations permeate deep into the human body, enhancing blood circulation, metabolic processes, and muscle tension regulation. Furthermore, they activate mechanisms of cellular regeneration and repair, offering a therapeutic experience akin to cellular-level massage (Jones & Smith, 2021).
In this course, you will embark on a journey that condenses five decades of Anita’s experience into essential information and practical exercises.
Embark on this transformative personal and professional voyage into the world of Sound Medicine—a powerful tool that supports humanity’s enduring pursuit of heightened consciousness and healing, commonly recognised in yoga and Buddhism as the profound state of Samadhi.

What You Will Learn
Harness the Power of Sound: Discover how sound stimulates the ears, mind, heart and soul.
Breath Awareness: Learn the significance of breath and effective breathing techniques.
The Healing Voice: Use your voice as a potent sound-healing instrument to resonate with the chakras and energy fields of your subtle body: clearing a path to Self-realisation – or yoga.
Sound Projection: Project sound to different parts of your physical body to optimise well-being.
Sound Healing Instruments: Work with specially designed instruments for health and deep transformation.
Planetary Healing: Explore the use of sound for planetary and cosmic healing.
Sound Instruments Covered
Tibetan Bowls, Bells and Tingsha: Discover techniques for relaxation, mental calmness, and chakra balancing using these ancient tools of meditation and healing.
Tuning Forks: Learn to use various tuning forks and frequencies for healing and rejuvenation.
Crystal Healing and Singing Bowls: Master the art of working with the high vibration of crystal and crystal singing bowls to boost yoga practice, meditation and healing.
The Healing Voice: Explore the power of your own voice through techniques like humming, toning, chanting, and ancient, sacred mantras.
The Monochord, Reverie Harp and other simple stringed instruments: Bathe in the peaceful harmonics of nature and the cosmos with these stringed instruments, which also provide perfect backdrops for vocal toning and mantra.
Life Rhythms and the Shamanic Medicine Drum: Deepen your connection with life’s elemental rhythms through working with hand-held Shamanic frame drums. Allow rhythm to balance the subtle body and inspire creativity.
Gongs: Learn to work with Gongs, both hand-held and on stands, using a variety of mallets and implements for stress reduction, sensory stimulation and vibrational harmonisation.
BIYOME’s Specialty Intensive Teacher Training can be undertaken as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) with Yoga Australia and/or the Meditation Association of Australia, as well as obtaining Continuing Education (CE) recognition with Yoga Alliance. The course contact hours, and non-contact hours (CPDs and CEs), allocated across Meditation Australia and the two registering yoga bodies do, however, differ. Please contact us for more information.
Should you wish to complete a full meditation certification (110 hours – 1000 hours) or yoga certification (150 hours – 650 hours), please view this Specialty Intensive Training as an elective within our full course offerings.
Details are available here:

Taught By:
Sound healing practitioner

Event Venue

Biyome Biomedical Institute of Yoga and Meditation, 166 Pacey Road, Upper Brookfield,Brisbane,QLD,Australia


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