Sound & Movement Live: Steiri | Papavassiliou | Ventourakis | Karpouzou | Giannakou @dot.wip

Sat, 25 Jan, 2025 at 11:00 pm

ζαχαριτσα 40 | Athens

Dot wip
Publisher/HostDot wip
Sound & Movement*

In this live improvisation series at dot.wip studios, artists come together for the first time, merging sound and movement in unexpected ways. Through spontaneous interactions and fluid collaborations, they blend rich sonic textures with expressive movement, creating moments that are both intentional and unpredictable. Each performance transforms the space into a living canvas, shaped by the interplay between the performers and the altered atmosphere of the enviroment.
cello/combo organ/keyboards/movement
Viki Steiri
Steiri is a composer, cellist and interdisciplinary artist with an interest in experimental electronic music, free improvisation, and composition for other media. Her debut solo LP Balm was released digitally by Alien Jams and on vinyl by Rekem Records in 2024. She is a member of the improvised music/art group Ectopia and has collaborated with other artists on releases such as ‘Future Chorus’ with Eleni Ikoniadou and ‘sex robot’ with Sidsel Meineche Hansen. She has performed at Le Guess Who? Festival, Cafe OTO, ICA (London), New Museum (New York), KW (Berlin), among others. She is based between Athens and London.
Dario Papavassiliou
Papavassiliou is a multi-instrumentalist interested in the musical idioms and instruments of the Eastern Mediterranean, in particular the oud, santur and other string instruments. An experienced performer of Greek and Middle Eastern traditional music, he also explores the use of traditional acoustic instruments in experimental, amplified settings, combining improvisational approaches from taksim to free improv and noise. Originally from London, he now lives in Athens.
Dimitris Ventourakis
Ventourakis (b. 1993) is a musician and music educator from Athens, focusing on the narrative potential of sound. Primarily a pianist, he is equally passionate about improvisation, composition, live performance, and music recording, working as a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, and both in musical ensembles and as a solo artist.His work explores the connections between language and music, delving into their shared expressive characteristics. Based in Athens, he is an active member of the city's music scene, theater, and arts community, while also teaching music. Additionally, he is a founding member of Athens Arts Collective, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating environments conducive to artistic creation, education, and research.
Christina Karpouzou
Born in Athens where she lives and works as a dance artist, improviser, performer, physical improvisation and contemporary dance trainer. She has collaborated with numerous fellow dance artists, musicians and sound artists, performing on live acts and presenting works in theatrical spaces, dance festivals across Greece and Europe ( solo duo festival Dusseldorf, dance days chania and more), as well as in performance art spaces, art exhibitions and more. She is a creator, producer and artistic director of DOS a platform for improvisation based performance projects. She is the founder and artistic director of the new performing arts space in Kypseli DOS _space . She has a black belt in traditional kung fu Lily Lau eagle claw. She has graduated from the school of trainers launched by the ministry of culture and sports, with the diploma on martial arts from the Greek Wushu Kung Fu federation. She is an interior architecture and design graduate from Middlesex university - BA honours - London.
Petrina Giannakou
Born in Athens, she graduated with ‘Honors’ from the Professional dance school ‘Rallou Manou’ (Moragemou) in 2017. She also studied at the Greek National Opera dance school and National School of Dance (KSOT). She furthered her training with a scholarship at the NOD international dance program in Turin, exploring different movement approaches and company repertoire. Through the years, she has taken several workshops. Petrina has collaborated with Harry Koushos, Christos Papadopoulos, Patricia Apergi, Zoi Efstathiou, Antonia Economou, Iztok Kovac, Andrea Costanzo Martini among others. She is also
alternating between movement directing for theatrical plays, teaching for kids and adults and creating her own works (There is a place presented at the 27th Kalamata International Dance Festival and There is a place/ Rain, at 12th Athens Video Dance Project). For three years, she worked with Koen Augustijnen and Rosalba Torres Guerrero (SiameseCie) on Lamenta, touring in Europe (Athens and Epidaurus Festival, Festival d'Avignon, La
Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand, La Villette Paris, Charleroi Danse, Le Maillon Théâtre deStrasbourg, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, KVS Box -Brussels, Concertgebouw Brugge,Schrit_tmachter Festival -Parkstad Limburg Theater Heerlen, TanzMainz Festival
-Staatstheater Mainz, Theater Rotterdam, Théâtre National de Nice).
Saturday 25/02
Doors open: 20.30
Suggested donation 7<
Location: dot.wip studio , Zaxaritsa 40 koukaki

*sound&movement:μια σειρά ζωντανών αυτοσχεδιαστικών performances στο dot.wip studios, όπου καλλιτέχνες που συναντώνται και συμπράττουν για πρώτη φορά συνδυάζουν με απρόβλεπτους τρόπους ηχητικές υφές και σωματική κίνηση, δημιουργώντας μια δυναμική που εξελίσσεται συνεχώς και μεταμορφώνει τον χώρο σε έναν ζωντανό καμβά, διαμορφωμένο από την αλληλεπίδρασή τους και τη βιωμένη ατμόσφαιρα.
επιμέλεια Δήμητρα Κουστερίδου

Event Venue

ζαχαριτσα 40, Ζαχαρίτσα 40, 117 41 Αθήνα, Ελλάδα,Athens, Greece

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