Sophie Stark MFA Art Solo Thesis Exhibition

Fri May 03 2024 at 06:00 pm to 09:00 pm

USC Roski Graduate Building | Los Angeles

USC Roski School of Art and Design
Publisher/HostUSC Roski School of Art and Design
Sophie Stark MFA Art Solo Thesis Exhibition Sophie Stark's thesis exhibition, "Crab explores its wound" features a collection of fabricated artifacts and relics from mysterious rituals
About this Event

Opening reception: May 3, 6 - 9pm
Exhibition on view May 4 - 11, 202

Gallery hours: Wed - Sat: 12noon - 5pm


"Crab explores its wound" features a collection of fabricated artifacts and relics from mysterious rituals. Inspired by her experiences in the field of archaeology, Sophie Stark uses silicone, resin, and hair to explore the thin skin between humor and horror. Stark compares therapy to archaeology, treating the mind as stratigraphy to be carefully unearthed. The exhibition unfolds as a makeshift field lab, displaying the discovery of new histories through relics that fuse pop culture with existing history. Amber stones, ritual objects, and desiccated remains illustrate the processes of excavating, categorizing, and storing mental artifacts in order to understand them and determine their significance.

Image: Sophie Stark, "moldy cock pocket ever virgin" (2023), crystal cock pocket; 6.5 x 3 x 2 in.

Event Venue

USC Roski Graduate Building, 1262 Palmetto Street, Los Angeles, United States


USD 0.00

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