SONICA & SHAPE+ Stage @ MENT 2023

Thu Mar 30 2023 at 08:00 pm

Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana | Ljubljana

MENT Ljubljana
Publisher/HostMENT Ljubljana
SONICA & SHAPE+ Stage @ MENT 2023
29-31 March 2023
MENT is joining forces with Ljubljana-based electronic music and sound art festival SONICA and SHAPE+ platform.
The SONICA & SHAPE+ stage will showcase three adventurous and unorthodox contemporary electronic music acts from Eastern Europe. Polish composer and AD93-affiliate ???????? ????? will present his speculative mediaeval and renaissance music, the Ukrainian multi-instrumentalist and singer ???????? ?????? her Björk-esque deconstructions of classical and club music and the Slovenian audiovisual duo ????? their experiments with feedback loops.
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The MENT conference we will host a conversation with Martin Briclelj Baraga, a media artist and the founder of SONICA, an international Ljubljana-based music festival focusing on contemporary electronic music and sound art. Since 2009, it has championed contemporary trends in avant-garde dance, electroacoustic, experimental and contemporary classical music and sound art practices in Ljubljana. He will also present the ongoing collaboration SHAPE+, a European platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art.
More about SONICA Festival & Shape+ Platform:
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Lecture workshop by composer, producer and educator Katarina Gryvul
The Ukrainian composer, producer, educator and owner of the Gryvul School, who studies computer music and sound art in Graz and is active mainly in the classical world, will introduce you to her approach to music making and her main principles of music production. She will present her understanding of the different stages of the creative process and highlight the most important ones. The lecture workshop will also include different timbre and FX examples. Only Ableton Live plugins will be used so that each participant of the workshop will be able to reproduce the presented examples. The lecture is aimed at experienced music makers and beginners alike, but familiarity with the Ableton Live music programme is recommended, as all the examples included will be presented in this software.
"In this lecture and workshop, I want to show my understanding of the different stages of music making and highlight which are in my opinion the most important. I want to share my perspective on the music industry and how to stand out from the crowd. I will show you different ways to achieve this goal – clear and accessible to everyone."
Katarina Gryvul
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A workshop for animated graphic score, electronics, acoustic instruments and voices with composer and instrument maker Wojciech Rusin
In 2022, the London-based audiovisual artist and instrument maker released the critically acclaimed album Syphon, an example of speculative mediaeval and renaissance music, on which he used his self-designed 3D-printed reed instruments. In this workshop, you will interpret an animated graphic score, which uses images, shapes and pictures instead of notes. Composers use graphic scores because they allow them to express musical ideas that could not be described by traditional notation. Participants should have some experience with playing their acoustic instrument and should bring their instrument along. The score will feature instrumental parts and sections for singing, whistling and other extended voice techniques. Ten 3D printed ocarinas will be provided for the participants. The duration of the workshop is around 90 minutes.
Co-production by MoTA - Muzej transitornih umetnosti, SONICA, SHAPE+ and MENT Ljubljana.
MENT združuje moči z ljubljanskim festivalom elektronske glasbe in zvočne umetnosti SONICA ter platformo SHAPE+.
Na posebej kuriranem odru bo premierno predstavljen sveženj sodobne izvenserijske in avanturistične elektronske glasbe iz Vzhodne Evrope – od futurističnih reinterpretacij srednjeveške in renesančne glasbe poljskega skladatelja ????????? ?????? in björkovskih dekonstrukcij klasične ter klubske glasbe ukrajinske multiinstrumentalistke in pevke ???????? ?????? do avdiovizualnih eksperimentov s povratnimi zankami slovenskega eksperimentalnega dvojca ?????, ki ga sestavljata Gašper Milkovič Biloslav (polovica dvojca Izland) in Mitja Cerkvenik (Jesusonecstasy).
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Na letošnji konferenci bomo gostili pogovor z Martinom Bricljem Barago, intermedijskim umetnikom in ustanoviteljem mednarodnega festivala elektronske glasbe in zvočne umetnosti SONICA, ki od leta 2009 v Ljubljani skrbi za predstavljanja sodobnih trendov na področju avantgardne plesne, elektronske, elektroakustične, eksperimentalne in sodobne komponirane glasbe ter zvočno-umetniških praks. Poleg samega festivala bo predstavil tudi sodelovanje v sklopu evropske platforme za inovativno glasbo in interdisciplinarno umetnost SHAPE+.
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Delavnica s predavanjem skladateljice, producentke in pedagoginje Katarine Gryvul
Ukrajinska skladateljica, producentka, pedagoginja in ustanoviteljica glasbene šole Gryvul School, ki v Gradcu študira računalniško glasbo ter zvočno umetnost in je aktivna predvsem v svetu klasike, bo na delavnici s predavanjem predstavila svoj pristop k glasbenemu ustvarjanju in principe glasbene produkcije. Orisala bo različne faze glasbenega ustvarjanja in izpostavila tiste najpomembnejše. Na podlagi vključenih primerov bo predstavila različne tehnike in efekte, s katerimi lahko dosežemo nenavadne zvočne barve in zvene. Uporabljeni bodo samo vtičniki (plugins) platforme Ableton Live, tako da bo lahko vsak udeleženec delavnice ponovil predstavljene primere. Predavanje je namenjeno tako že izkušenim glasbenim ustvarjalcem kot tudi začetnikom, priporočeno pa je poznavanje platforme za glasbeno produkcijo Ableton Live, saj bodo vsi vključeni primeri predstavljeni v tem programu.
»Na predavanju želim predstaviti različne faze glasbenega ustvarjanja in poudariti, katere so po mojem mnenju najpomembnejše. Z vami želim deliti svoj pogled na glasbeno industrijo in na to, kako izstopati iz množice. Pokazala vam bom različne, vsem jasne in dostopne načine za dosego tega cilja.«
Katarina Gryvul
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Delavnica za animirano grafično partituro, elektroniko, akustične instrumente in glasove s skladateljem in izdelovalcem inštrumentov Wojciechom Rusinom
Poljski avdiovizualni umetnik in oblikovalec inštrumentov je lani izdal kritiško odlično sprejeti album Syphon, primer spekulativne srednjeveške in renesančne glasbe, na katerem je uporabil svoje enkratne instrumente, ki jih je oblikoval sam in ustvaril s pomočjo 3D tiskalnikov. Na delavnici se boste posvetili interpretaciji animirane grafične partiture, ki predstavlja zapis glasbe s pomočjo grafičnih simbolov. Skladatelji uporabljajo grafične partiture, ker jim omogočajo izražanje glasbenih idej, ki jih ni mogoče zapisati s tradicionalno notacijo. Za udeležence je priporočeno, da imajo vsaj nekaj izkušenj z igranjem akustičnega instrumenta, ki naj ga tudi prinesejo s seboj na delavnico. Partitura bo vsebovala tako instrumentalne dele kot tudi dele za glas oziroma petje, žvižganje in druge razširjene glasovne tehnike. Udeleženci bodo imeli na voljo 10 okarin, natisnjenih s 3D tiskalniki. Delavnica bo trajala približno 90 minut.
Koprodukcija MoTA - Muzej transitornih umetnosti, SONICA, SHAPE+ in MENT Ljubljana.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana, Slomskova ulica 18,Ljubljana, Slovenia

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