One of the most beloved films of all time, this sizzling masterpiece by Billy Wilder set a new standard for Hollywood comedy. After witnessing a mob hit, Chicago musicians Joe and Jerry (Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon, in landmark performances) skip town by donning drag and joining an all-female band en route to Miami. The charm of the group’s singer, Sugar Kane (Marilyn Monroe, at the height of her bombshell powers) leads them ever further into extravagant lies, as Joe assumes the persona of a millionaire to woo her and Jerry’s female alter ego winds up engaged to a tycoon. With a whip-smart script by Wilder and I. A. L. Diamond, and sparking chemistry among its finely tuned cast, Some Like It Hot is as deliriously funny and fresh today as it was when it first knocked audiences out six decades ago.Join us on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 19:00 pm for Some Like It Hot, at Shubert Theatre - NY, New York, United States of America, Tickets are now on sale and prices range from 86.00 USD to 675.00 USD, Don't miss your chance, Get your tickets for Some Like It Hot today!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Shubert Theatre - NY, New York, United States
USD 86.00 to USD 675.00