“Solstice” premiered in Winston-Salem in 2022 and has since captivated audiences with its stunning blend of acrobatics, storytelling, and visual artistry. This 75-minute production tells the story of a character who loses her inner light, plunging into a wondrous and surreal world where memories come to life and the ordinary becomes ‘extra’ordinary. With over eight breathtaking acrobatic acts, “Solstice” combines light design, costumes, enchanting music, surreal scenery, and the magic of falling snow to create this celebration of the human spirit. A blend of local and national artist comprise the cast of seven.
Circus EVO was founded by Jamestown, N.C. local, Houston Odum, a graduate of the UNC School of the Arts in Winston-Salem, N.C. Circus EVO is a Triad-based company dedicated to bringing innovative circus performances to the community and beyond.
Tickets go on sale to the public Friday, September 6, at 10 am.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
1320 W. State of Franklin Johnson City, TN 37614, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, United States, Tennessee 37614