SOLD OUT andmoreagain presents BLONDSHELL w/ Cor de Lux at Motorco Music Hall

Mon May 06 2024 at 07:00 pm

Motorco | Durham

Andmoreagain presents
Publisher/HostAndmoreagain presents
SOLD OUT andmoreagain presents BLONDSHELL w\/ Cor de Lux at Motorco Music Hall
w/ Cor de Lux
Doors 7pm / Show 8pm
$20 adv / $23 day of

In the past few years, 25-year-old Sabrina Teitelbaum has transformed into a songwriter without fear. The loud-quiet excavations that comprise her hook-filled debut as Blondshell don’t only stare traumas in the eye—they tear them at the root and shake them, bringing precise detail to colossal feelings. They’re clear-eyed statements of and about digging your way towards confidence, self-possession, and relief.
Powered by brilliant, crystalline melodies, Teitelbaum’s eloquent writing takes root in the concrete: every line is literal, a keyhole to a bigger truth. “I think my kink is when you tell me that you think I’m pretty,” she sings on “Kiss City,” a witty expression of learning to state desire; “I think you watched way too much HBO growing up,” goes “Joiner,” a blunt address of formative damage. Blondshell is about learning and unlearning, about untangling the ways we’re taught to accept bad behavior, about peeling the layers back. These intelligent songs often contain the epiphanies of therapy sessions more than pop sessions, even when the hooks are simply a blast. “The lyrics are really vulnerable and they were scary to say,” she says. “I feel like the shredding guitars are a protective shell.”

COR DE LUX grew out of the music scene of North Carolina’s Outer Banks. The band found each other during a chance conversation about the love of music between Tim Lusk and Dawn Moraga while Moraga waited for a phone repair in Lusk’s shop. This was the catalyst for the band’s formation, with John Bliven quickly added on bass and Thomas Swinn-McNeely stepping in for founding member and drummer Dana Quinn in early 2022. Their music (a mixture of post-punk, goth-tinged pop and shoegaze) has earned the tongue-in-cheek nickname ‘Shoe-Gazi’ by friends.
The past year has seen COR DE LUX steadily tour the eastern US coast, fitting DIY and club shows in-between opening slots for Archers of Loaf, LA Witch, Pile, Teenage Fanclub, COLA (Ex-Ought), Hammered Hulls (Dischord), Sweeping Promises, and Pylon Reenactment Society.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Motorco, 723 Rigsbee Ave, Durham, NC 27701-2138, United States,Durham, North Carolina


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