Sleeping Beauty: A Dance Play is a magical, family-friendly retelling of the classic fairy tale, brought to life through the vibrant and dynamic performances of the students of Curtain Call Performing Arts Academy. The story follows Princess Aurora, a bright and joyful young royal whose life takes a dark turn when the evil fairy, Maleficent, curses her to fall into a deep, eternal sleep on her sixteenth birthday. With the help of her fairy friends, and the power of love, the journey unfolds with magical twists, daring battles, and a celebration of hope and friendship.
Each dance number tells a chapter of this timeless story, with a mix of classical and modern choreography that showcases the versatility and talent of the performers. From the graceful movements of ballet to the upbeat rhythms of tap and jazz, the story dances its way to a heartwarming and thrilling conclusion.
Perfect for families, Sleeping Beauty: A Dance Play is an unforgettable experience that blends storytelling, music, and movement into a magical performance that will leave audiences inspired and delighted. Whether you're young or young at heart, this production promises a fairy tale journey like no other!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Rochester Opera House, 31 Crocker Ct, Rochester, NH 03867-2742, United States,Rochester, New Hampshire
USD 17.85