Single Muslims Match Speed Dating (Ages 24-37)

Mon Feb 10 2025 at 09:00 pm to 10:30 pm

Five Guys St. Paul's | London

Single Muslims Match Speed Dating (Ages 24-37)
Single Muslims Speed Dating events allow you to meet 14-18 singles for 4 minute mini dates. This allows you to get to know each person.
About this Event

At this Single Muslims Speed Dating event you can expect to meet around 14-18 people in 3-4minute dates.

Single Muslims Speed Dating kicks off at 8:00pm prompt and any guests arriving late may not be able to take part so please ensure you arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled start time to allow for registration.

When all the guests have arrived the host will explain how the evening will unfold and you will be provided with a scorecard, name badge and pen.

When the event begins women will be seated and men will rotate between tables every 4 minutes. At the end of each date guests mark on their scorecard whether they would like to see that person.

The event will finish around 9:30pm but guests are welcome to stay and mingle if they wish.

Before you leave the host will collect all the scorecards in and collate the matches and the following day you will receive an e-mail with the results.

Due to the popularity of this event, we advise you to book your ticket in advance and at your earliest to avoid disappointment.

To ensure gender ratio, bookings are non-refundable. Note: we are not responsible for people's schedules - no shows or latecomers!

It’s essential that you arrive before 8:00pm in order to take part. We might not be able to allow entry if you are late.

8:00pm - Speed Dating Starts

9:30pm-Speed Dating Ends

11:30pm - Venue closes

Event Photos
Event Photos
Event Photos

If the event is postponed for any reason, attendees will be notified 48 hours before the event start date via email. There are no refunds issued if the event is postponed, all attendees will be notified with the new date. Refunds for postponements are only issued for exceptional circumstances.
If the event is canceled for any reason, attendees will receive a full refund, which will be our only liability to you.

We cannot guarantee that events will have equal numbers of men and women or be at full capacity. We will make every effort to accommodate uneven numbers, which may include more of one group and fewer of another, in order to provide the best experience possible for all attendees.

Attendees are expected to behave respectfully and politely towards other attendees and event staff. Any inappropriate language, bad behaviour, or verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated and will result in immediate ejection from the event. In serious cases, the police may be notified.

Attendees must arrive 15 minutes before the event start time to find parking. Latecomers will be refused entry or charged a £25 late fee. No exceptions, ensure that you arrive on time.

Event Photos
Event Photos

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Five Guys St. Paul's, 4 Saint Paul's Churchyard, London, United Kingdom


GBP 25.00 to GBP 26.00

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