The Maverick Theater begins its 2025 season with the stage adaptation of “Shakespeare in Love”, directed by Brian Newell. “Shakespeare in Love” delivers a delightfully crowd-pleasing, deeply romantic, and highly adventurous tale of love and drama in Renaissance-era England.“Shakespeare in Love” is a play with music adapted for the stage from the Oscar®-winning 1998 film by Lee Hall, based on the screenplay by Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard. A romantic piece of historical fiction, the story centers around a young Will Shakespeare as he struggles to find his inspiration. This play brings Shakespeare’s dialogue to the forefront and highlights its theatrical origins. Much of the dialogue is taken from Shakespeare’s cannon (with Romeo and Juliet featured heavily throughout) and many of the plot devices employ tactics commonly found in plays of the Elizabethan age: cross-dressing disguises, mistaken identities, suspicions of adultery, sword fighting, a comedic nurse, and even visions of ghosts are all present, as is the enduring “play-within-a-play” convention that Shakespeare fondly adopted for many of his works.
“Shakespeare in Love” opens February 7th and runs through March 16th. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m., Sundays at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $39.50 general, $21.50 for students with a current I.D. Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling 714-526-7070. The Maverick Theater is located at 110 E. Walnut, Fullerton, CA 92832, across from the Amtrak station in historic Downtown Fullerton.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
110 E Walnut Ave, Fullerton, CA, United States