Campaign Teaser: Shadows of the VeilIn the shadows of a fractured world, unseen forces are at play...
The Aegis Veil, a mystical barrier that once protected the realms of Arion, has shattered. While powerful adventurers race to restore the Veil, another group—the Veilborn—emerges from the shadows. Tasked with navigating the intricate web of secrets, lies, and hidden dangers, the Veilborn must uncover the true motives of a mysterious figure known only as the Spymaster.
Operating from the enigmatic Transdimensional Passageway, the Spymaster pulls the strings behind the scenes, balancing power in ways few can comprehend. The Veilborn find themselves caught between powerful factions vying for control of the Veil’s fragments, and a shadow war that could determine the fate of the world.
Will you master the shadows, or be consumed by them?
Join "Shadows of the Veil," a 12-session Dungeons & Dragons campaign where deception is your greatest weapon, and subtlety your best ally. As the Veilborn, you will infiltrate secret societies, thwart hidden plots, and uncover the truth behind the Spymaster’s enigmatic agenda. Your choices will shape the balance of power in Arion and decide whether the world plunges into chaos or finds a new order.
Step into the shadows. The fate of the Veil is in your hands.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
614 Main St, Red Bluff, CA, United States, California 96080