About this Event

Your ticket is inclusive of sea ferry from the City (Marina South Pier) to Lazarus island.
Bring Balance of Heart (Cacao), Higher Mind (Rapeh) and Body's nervous & adrenal systems (Breath) towards wholling the hidden & suppressed, bringing it up to the surface for its healing & release - we endear towards inner-standing the language of our energetic beings through the Sun within our sacred centre - affirming a whole and fully AMpowered Self - to navigate the currents of our time.

September Equinox - Sept 22, 20:43hrs ?
The September (or Autumn) equinox 2024 offers a moment of cosmic balance, inviting us to align our lives with the natural rhythms of the Earth. By embracing the spiritual significance of this event and innerstanding its influence on our energetic beings, we can use this time to find greater harmony within ourselves and in our relationships with others. Whether through meditation, reflection, or simply spending time in nature, the equinox provides a powerful opportunity for renewal and growth as we step into a new season.
This brings an increase in the pace and intensity of how you will be experiencing your day, your life and the world around you, inviting you to move forward with focused attention and courageous warriorship. It will especially affect the energy of your liver, your vagus nerve and your throat chakra inviting you to movement, expression and active engagement in the world around you. Over the earlier months of 2024, you've been challenged and triggered by different facets of self, especially dormant dense energies that have been kept under, are now bubbling up to the surface for deep healing, release and it's transmutation into more radiant learnings.
Now, this equinox is the time to activate these radiant energies fully into your being, inviting you to step forward, bringing your commitment to yourself and what you love doing and being in the world to the fore in your life. The choice is yours to be fully aware of where you are lovingly directing your attention to. This intelligence of your attention lies in reclaiming your free will, the power of what you decide to give your precious life force energy to.

Key themes:
- Integration and inspired action
- Let those old patterns go
- Radiate your fullness into your world
- Speak up, step up, bring the balance
- Be you
- Extend all that you are - especially in the choices you make
Let’s release those old patterns together
What do you need to be able to step forward more fully?
Where are you hiding your own brilliance?
What is being held back by old patterns?
This is a great time to turn your conscious attention to the old patterns that you operate within. You know what I mean. Those habits that were formed through experiences in your past that now just keep playing out. Perhaps it is a lethargy or a feeling of being ‘too tired’ to step into more of your life. Perhaps old patterns show up in your relationships, perhaps the old pattern of ‘not being enough’. You can think of all of those (and every other old and limiting habit) as stuck energy patterns. Stuck. Outdated. No longer useful to you in any way.
This vibrational wisdom that is being brought forth by the supermoon ( on and equinox helps you bring a different level of consciousness to those old habits and experiences so you are able to explore your old and limiting patterns intentionally.
You are a different vibration now.
The old patterns no longer have any rootedness unless you hold it there with your thought patterns and your own intentions. Now is time to explore and expand so they no longer limit you.
This ceremonial day retreat will support you in this.

Inner-standing the language of Æther ✴️
Aether differs from the four terrestrial elements; it is incapable of motion of quality or motion of quantity. Aether is only capable of local motion. Aether naturally moves in circles, and have no contrary, or unnatural, motion. It is in experiencing our bio-magnetic fields and its movements that we start to inner-stand how this cyclic nature can be utilised to diffuse the veils between the physical, emotional and our energetic fields. In doing so, we can observe the differing states and stages of cellular repair and regeneration.
The energies of the Suns above us, and the Sun within the Earth, nurtures the life force energy that flows through our bodies and nourishes the energetic Sun in our heart center. There are conscious vibrational learnings that are held within matter and the currency that runs through it, is æther.

Holding Space ??
Holding this sacred space will be Omsira, with the intention to mend the wound of separation through harmonious enabling.
Omsira honours his soul's journey and the ancient wisdom that lives within him. He shares his light and sound transmissions, activating cellular remembering, through consistent upgrades from land-working sacred spaces, and the stewardship of the elements around and within the self. Omsira strives towards enabling meaningful development in translating one's signature energy currency - your Sun-Soul-Spark within. https://www.instagram.com/omsirabarry/
This Day Retreat is the 1st part of a 4-part elemental retreat series that features the inner-standing of æther. These sacred medicine experiences invite and invoke integration of light and shadow polarities within, going deep into our primordial nature and essence, to reach a state of heart-grounded stillness; connecting earth in our bodies, and sky in our spirits. To know the nature of what is external of us, is to master the knowingness of our nature within.

Attention Circle ? and Group Sananga Root Extract session?️
The circle is located on a secluded area in Lazarus Island with the morning sun near the waters, in a comfortable shaded area.
From the co-creation of our central altar with a krystalline grid, we will open up a 12D sacred container as sovereign bodies, in creating space to share our intentions of how we would like to direct and/or expand our loving attention.
Sananga eye drops come from the root of the sananga plant. The root is harvested and the juices are squeezed from its root. This medicine is harvested and prepared by the Yawanawa tribe of Brazil, the "People of the Wild Boar".
Deeply connected to the land and living in a sustainable way amongst ancient nature, their ways and traditions are thousands of years old - grounded in the teachings of the natural world and of beloved plant teachers.
Sananga has a multitude of testimonials with claims of supporting -
Eye Health This powerful plant medicine has been known to help support the health of the eyes and even have supported the eyes finding balance and health once again from things like: far sightedness, near sightedness, glaucoma, and more.
Nervous System Support It also a great support to the nervous system. Helping to strengthen the nervous system which can lead to helping decrease stress, anxiety, and even depression. A strong nervous system gives us the power to take on lives circumstances more centered.
Deeper Breaths After working with sananga it is common to feel as though we can take deeper breaths. It helps to expand the lung capacity and release the diaphragm. Deeper breaths means more oxygen into the body.
Decalcifies the Pineal Gland A lot of factors in contributors living in our every world day today can lead to a calcified pineal gland. Our pineal gland is our third eye. Sananga supports proper decalcification of the pineal gland helping to awaken a stronger sense of self awareness and intuition.
Release Suppressed Emotions Sananga has a way of helping to move heavy and dense energies from the body. It has been known to clear "panema" aka negative energies from the body. These more dense energies in the body can lead to us feeling heavy and uncentered. Sananga works with the emotional and energetic body helping to flush out and move some of these energies. When working with sananga it isn't uncommon to have emotions come to the surface to be felt and released.

Group Sacred Rapéh session ?️
Rapéh is a legal sacred shamanic medicine that has been used by healers of the Amazon basin for thousands of years. (It is pronounced ‘ha-peh’ in English) These are rare, sacred, powerful, and profoundly healing and cleansing plant medicines, and are made in a very intentional and labor intensive process. rapéh is a complex blend of pulverized Amazonian medicinal plants, trees, leaves, seeds, with a base of sacred tabacco leaves (mapacho).
The rapéh is blown with a tepi pipe in each nostril, balancing the two hemispheres of the brain, our feminine and masculine side, yin and yang. To receive the medicine we must be receptive, calm and in our exhaled-held breath.
“I got to know rapéh through the Peruvian Shipibo shamans of the Amazon in 2016. I innerstand it as a worthy ally like many other vegetal, mineral or animal substances of our precious earth- they are here to assist and teach those who can innerstand that where there is life, there is a science, a divine teaching that can help us in many ways, including in the physical, mental and spiritual. I personally have been working with this medicine since 2018” - Omsira Barry
It is said that physically, rapéh acts as a potent clarifier of the pineal and pituitary glands; an energizer, clearing the sinuses and enhancing clarity. Mentally and spiritually, rapéh heightens awareness and the senses, clear and align your mind with your instinct and your intuition, and help support the cleansing of the body and soul. Its purpose is also to flush out unkind thoughts and lower vibrations, aligning you with your best self. The sacred rapéh blend from the Yawanawa Tribe of Brazilian Amazon will be used.

Sacred Cacao Integration and Play ?
Leading into enjoying an intentional pineal-nourishing cacao recipe, sourced reliably and ethically from Bali, Indonesia. We experience this sacred plant medicine ceremonially, opening our hearts to ground with earth and elate with sky.
We will connect to the energy of Source, with breath flowing through the fluidity of our spine, using this life force energy as the gateway to open the pathways of the energetic body.
A thought-less segment, where we see, sense and feel, consciously activate our center of loving awareness whilst doing soul-nourishing activities - like expressing oneself, drawing, or fully immersing in nature, fully present and authentic, just BE-ing.

What to expect ?
- During this ceremonial day retreat, we'll bring coherence to the intelligences that exists in our body-feeling-perception-attention-consciousness, the five ruling physical-energetic facets of our human experience.
- Create additional personal space for recalibrating the states that grounds our relations and connections through the day's activities and nature-held spaces.
What you need for this experience ?
Comfy Clothing for easeful movement
Please bring the following items :
2 litres of water for yourself
Cup/ utensils/ cutlery
Scarf or mat to sit on the grass
Swim wear, small towel
Change of clothes (optional)
Hat / sunscreen to protect from heat
Natural insect repellant
Umbrella in case of rain
Snacks or light food for sharing (Fruit salads, nuts, root vegetables and living foods)
Bring a journal, or notebook for putting down inner reflections
Bring along your favourite crystals to co-create our central altar
*Bring, if any, Offerings (organic, eg. water/flowers/soil/ash) to our beloved sea & land and Blessings (water soluble, eg. herbs/essential oil/blessed water) for our sacred water blessing.
Everyone is encouraged to listen to the whispers of one's heart, quieten down the ramblings of an over-active mind and fuel with Life-force energy through the Nature that is all around us!
? Whatsapp message +65 96356353 for any questions or clarifications.
We meet at 7:45am at Marina South Pier (MSP) | Departing 8:00am to Lazarus Island
6.00pm Return | 6.30pm Arrival back at MSP
Limited spaces avail for an intimate experience.
Additional info-
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Supermoon In Pisces ?
The Full Supermoon & Lunar Eclipse on September 18th 2024 - also known as the Harvest Moon because of the time of year it is.
The September 18th Full Moon is the second Supermoon this year so far, with two more soon to follow - on October 17th & November 15th 2024.
September’s Full Moon is in Pisces, heightens the sensitivity, awareness & intuition of the emotional waters within. Shining light on unresolved issues and areas that need attention and bringing a sense of clarity to one's innate feminine-masculine connection. This’ll allow old baggage and stagnant energy to be released and make way for the healing and realignment that’s trying to take place.
These energies are amplified during a Supermoon and may be especially tough to navigate for empaths and those who are especially sensitive to these types of energy shifts, as well as possibly causing momentary havoc within - as our energetical and physical selves scramble for stability.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Lazarus Island, Lazarus Island, Singapore, Singapore
SGD 37.78 to SGD 233.71