About this Event
Please join the Columbia, Barnard and SEAS Senior Class Councils for our Class of 2025 Senior Cruise on Thursday, April 24th!
Ticket Sales: If you purchase a ticket for more than one boat, or use the code for a school that you do not belong to, your ticket will get canceled.
- Boarding for Boat A will be from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM at Pier 15
- Boarding for Boat B will be from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM at Pier 15
If you arrive after the boarding window for the boat you have purchased a ticket for, you will not be able to sail with the rest of your class. Please make transportation plans and accommodations for an early arrival; the vessel will be leaving at the end of the boarding time!
CC & SEAS Attendees: Columbia University makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities. If you require disability accommodations to attend an event at Columbia University, please contact Disability Services ( or 212-854-2388) at least 10 days in advance of the event. You will also have the oppurtunity to identify a need for accomodation at the end of the purchase, so we are able to alert the Boat staff.
Barnard Attendees: If you require disability accommodations to attend senior events Barnard students can email [email protected] three days in advanced
Enjoy an evening of dinner, drinks, and dancing as we cruise across the East River. Semi-formal wear is encouraged, but not required. Have fun and look your best!
All students will need to complete a waiver to attend this event. Information will be sent closer to the date.
The use of illegal or controlled substances, including marijuana, on the Ship is prohibited. Remember while aboard the Ship Federal controlled substance laws apply, and You are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States Coast Guard. City Cruises reserves the right to discontinue the Event if illegal or controlled substances, including marijuana, are being used. No refunds or exchanges will be given. Additionally you may not bring alcoholic beverages, explosives, firearms, illegal substances, or articles of a dangerous or damaging nature aboard the Ship.
Anyone that arrives intoxicated or attempts to bring alcohol and/or drugs onto the vessels will be asked to leave and will not be receiving a refund on their ticket. Please be aware that there will be a security check including bag checks (Small bags are reccomended, no large bags should be brought onboard).
On the vessel, we will be following similar protocol to the Lerner Pubs of 3 alcoholic beverages max per person, which will be tracked.
Event Venue
Pier 15 East River Esplanade, 78 South Street, New York, United States