Scholarship and Activism: An Incompatible or Necessary Partnership?

Thu, 05 Dec, 2024 at 03:30 pm

Tallinna Ülikooli Mare maja | Tallinn

Tallinna \u00dclikooli ameti\u00fching
Publisher/HostTallinna Ülikooli ametiühing
Scholarship and Activism: An Incompatible or Necessary Partnership?
The Tallinn University Trade Union invites you to participate in a seminar focused on the role and responsibility of scholarship in times of polycrisis and thinking through the merits of being a scholar-activist.
How do scholarship and activism fit together? What is the role of scholar-activists in society and why is it important? It is often felt, including among many scholars themselves, that science and activism do not go together. In this seminar, we discuss why science and activism are sometimes considered to be incompatible and highlight the reasons why this should not be the case. Furthermore, we would like to underline that the role of the scholar-activist has always existed and that as scholar-activists we step into the shoes that have been/are filled by influential public intellectuals, scholar-activists.
Come and join us and let's discuss what it means to be a scholar-activist today! The seminar will take place on 05.12 at 15:30 - 17:00 in room M-340 and the discussion will be led by Kadri Aavik, Kairit Kall, and Birgit Poopuu. The seminar will be held in English and will be followed in the same room by the General Meeting of the Tallinn University Trade Union at approximately 17:00.
Tallinna Ülikooli Ametiühing kutsub osalema seminaris, kus keskendume teadlase ühiskondlikule rollile ja vastutusele erinevate kriiside ajal ning mõtleme koos läbi teadlaseks-aktivistiks olemise erinevad tahud.
Kuidas sobituvad omavahel teadus ja aktivism? Mida kujutab endast teadlase-aktivisti roll ühiskonnas ja miks on see tähtis? Sageli leitakse, sealhulgas ka paljude teadlaste endi hulgas, et teadus ja aktivism ei sobi kokku. Seminaris arutleme, miks peetakse teaduse ja aktivismi koostööd vastuoluliseks ning kas see peab nii olema. Lisaks soovime rõhutada, et teadlase-aktivisti roll on alati eksisteerinud ja teadlase-aktivistina astume kingadesse, mida on täitnud/täidavad mõjukad teadlased.
Tule ja liitu meiega ning arutleme selle üle, mida tähendab olla tänapäeval teadlane-aktivist! Seminar toimub 05.12 kell 15:30 – 17:00 ruumis M-340 ning seda juhivad Kadri Aavik, Kairit Kall ja Birgit Poopuu. Seminar toimub inglise keeles ja sellele järgneb samas ruumis orienteeruvalt kell 17:00 Ametiühingu üldkogu koosolek.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Tallinna Ülikooli Mare maja, Uus-Sadama 5, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10120 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia

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