SAVBOR Grappling Camp - 2025, Poland, Zakopane

Mon May 05 2025 at 06:00 pm to Sun May 11 2025 at 03:00 pm UTC+02:00

Zakopane | Liptovsky Mikulas

SAVBOR Grappling Camp - 2025, Poland, Zakopane
JOIN US ON THE BEST CAMP 2025 in the Tatra Mountains!!! 馃敟馃敟
SAVBOR GRAPPLING CAMP - 2024, Poland, Zakopane
Everyone is welcome - no matter your age, fitness levels or previous experience! 馃槂
We invite you to Europe鈥檚 probably best training camp. At our now annual SAVBOR Grappling Camp you will learn from the world class instructor - Krzysztof Chris Sawicki, who will bring your fighting skills to the next level.
Our training camp will take place in Zakopane - Poland's best known mountain resort, nestled in the foothills of the Tatra Mountains. During the camp we will visit the famous Tatra Mountains National Park and after intensive daily training sessions, the participants can relax in one of the few nearby outstanding natural thermal pools and sauna complexes.
Krzysztof Chris Sawicki is a training officer and consultant for close quarter combat in special forces and antiterrorist units in the military and police. He is the founder and Head Coach of SAVBOR International Tactical School and the creator of a military tactical system for special forces - SAVBOR Tactical.
SAVBOR training camps are the most intense training formula throughout the season and give you the greatest improvement in technical skills. SAVBOR Grappling Camp is designed for instructors, candidates for instructors and students. You will learn the techniques in a very clear and structured way that will allow you to assimilate the course material from its very foundations - all in an amazing location and chilled out atmosphere 馃槂
Registration: [email protected]
Krzysztof Chris Sawicki: +48 606 949 159
Camp is an excellent first step to prepare for the SAVBOR Instructor Courses and Certificate Programs.
We invite you also to our regular workshops, seminars, instructor courses, tactical shooting courses and regular training classes in Warsaw and in the world:
Your life will never be the same!! 馃敟馃挭馃敟
G贸ralska Maj贸wka i Zb贸jnickie Kulanki - ZAKOPANE 2025
#SAVBOR TEAM zaprasza na najbardziej gor膮cy i chilloutowy, wiosenny camp w Zakopanem!
KIEDY? 05.05-11.05.2025
ZAPISY: 606 949 159
Nie mo偶e Ci臋 tam zabrakn膮膰!
Wsp贸lne treningi na pe艂nym luzie, czas na po treningow膮 regeneracj臋 oraz super atmosfera w niepowtarzalnym g贸rskim klimacie GWARANTOWANA 馃檪
Nasz najbli偶szy #SavborCamp przeznaczony jest dla wszystkich ch臋tnych zar贸wno dla pocz膮tkuj膮cych jak i dla zaawansowanych. Stanowi pierwszy krok i podstawow膮 baz臋 ofensywnej walki w parterze oraz przygotowuje programowo do kurs贸w instruktorskich SAVBOR.
Szkolenie ma charakter metodyczno-treningowy i jest otwarte dla wszystkich ch臋tnych. Zapraszamy serdecznie wszystkie osoby zainteresowane podniesieniem w艂asnych umiej臋tno艣ci, poznaniem nowych technik oraz metod treningowych jakie s膮 u偶ywane w cyklu szkole艅 instruktorskich.
Szczeg贸艂y i rezerwacje:
Krzysztof Chris Sawicki
tel. +48 606 949 159
SAVBOR Combat and Self-Defense School - Krzysztof Chris Sawicki
Nauka samoobrony i praktycznych umiej臋tno艣ci ratuj膮cych 偶ycie. Posiadamy wieloletnie do艣wiadczenie w szkoleniu i dydaktyce. Uczymy skutecznych technik i taktyk w samoobronie, walce wr臋cz i bezpiecze艅stwie osobistym. Zapraszamy na regularne kursy, seminaria, warsztaty, obozy oraz szkolenia instruktorskie z walki wr臋cz i strzelania bojowego, a tak偶e na treningi w licencjonowanych grupach.
#grappling #guns #tactical #bjj #pistol #gun #samoobrona #Walka #Trening #camp #dobrywycisk #knifefighting #combat #GROM #fit #movement #functional #lifestyle #workout #nogi #mma #norules #wiosna #warriors #SAVBORWarriors #life #zakopane

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Zakopane, ulica Tadeusza Ko艣ciuszki 8, 34-500 Zakopane, Polska,Zakopane, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia


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