Popeye the sailor man and all of his motely clan will descend upon the mighty shores of beautiful Lake Royale on July 13th 2024 for the most spectacular Flotilla ever, Flotilla Royale Part 8 'Popeye's, Smoke on the Water ' !!! ....Ye better start eating your spinach because it's Popeyes Smoke on the Water! Popeye, Olive Oyl, SweePea , Wimpy, Brutus, PoopDeck Pappy, Bands, BBQ and much more....!!!!
Schedule of Events
July 13th 2024
11:00AM Register floats/boats/etc at Clubhouse beach area. This will assist recognition by the judges but is not required.
11:55am National Anthem
12:00 noon-- Depart Clubhouse float to Pavilion shores in a FLOTILLA
1:30pm Opening Ceremony at Pavilion Shores
1:45pm Brutus Putt Putt & Wimpy’s Cornhole competitions begin.
1:45pm Eugene the Jeeps Dog/pet beauty/Costume contest
2:00pm Mr No-No’s Youth Barrel race!
2:30pm Popeye’s Spinach Eating Contest
3:00pm King, Queen, The Floating Man, Popeye and all costume trophies awarded
3:30pm Worlds first ‘Popeye’s Smoke on the Water Spinach Can Squeezing Contest’!
4:00pm Olive Oyl’s Adult and Youth ‘Smoke on the Water’ Limbo
4:20pm poopDeck Pappy’s Smokn Dance off
4:40pm Turn in Putt Putt scores/corn hole
5:00pm Final Awards Ceremony
6:00pm till 8:00pm Live Acoustic Bluegrass
8:00pm till 11:00pm The Night Sky Band!
Boats/Floats/Contraptions and Flotilla Participants:
In effort to make sure that floats/boats /contraptions are recognized a judges table will be at the clubhouse beach area. They will give you a number in exchange for your name and/or your float/boat/contraptions name.
If you do not register on the morning of Flotilla or pre-register, make sure you let a judge know as soon as you become trapped on Goon’s Island!
Competition/Award Categories:
Olive Oyl’s Smoke on the Water YOUTH LIMBO: after disembarking your custom schooner, what better to do than to show how low you can go? Start stretching now because the competition will be intense! 1 awesome first place trophy will be awarded! Participation Ribbons will be awarded!
Olive Oyl,s Smoke on the Water ADULT LIMBO: This is your time to shine floaters! Show those youth limbo participants that nothing can replace age and experience! 1 awesome first place trophy will be awarded! (talk about bragging rights! will be famous!!)
This is a free doubles tournament. Bring your own partner or meet a fellow floater trapped on Goon Island and form the winning team!
Amongst the many games, Popeyes, Blutos, Olive Oyls, Swea Peas, Wimpys and more will emergewthe heralded and prestigious 6th Annual Wimpy’s Cornhole Championship ! Watch out though, the scenery can be distracting, and you need to get those ship legs after the long voyage aboard the SS Spinach from the Clubhouse! Wow! Two trophies for 1st , two for Second and two for Third place will be awarded!
Mr. NO NO’S YOUTH BARREL RACE: Mr. No No has contrived a completely safe floatation barrel for the Youth to race! (you must trust him!)Who can trust Mr. No No and be the fastest to cross the finish line? And there will be a first and second place trophy along with ribbons for all who dare race in the Mr. No No’s Barrel Race! He is a shifty character!
POOPDECK PAPPY’S SMOKN GOON DANCE OFF: You are on ’Goon Island’ and what else is there to do but dance like a Goon?? Come with all of your Smokn Goon dance moves! This is the first Smokn Goon Dance off in the history of the World! Expert Smokn Goon judges (yes the judges are goons) will decide who is not dancing like a Goon and will determine who will win two trophies. First and Second Place! And the ribbons will be smokn.
THE 5th ANNUAL BLUTO’S ROYALE MASTERS PUTT CUP: On Goon Island exists THE 5th Annual Bluto’s Royale Master Putt Cup. Yes, this is a Putt Putt Championship with all of the fanfare , trophies, lifetime bragging rights and good ole time fun that everyone will love. Can you brush off all of the distractions of the many Goons and Popeyes walking around? Can you make that hole in one while hearing Olive Oyls Smoke on the Water Limbo in the distance? Humm.. There will be 6 trophies and 3 ribbons awarded for this glorious event. First, second and third place will be awarded for age groups 12 and under, 13-19 and 20 and up!
SWEA PEAS SOCK PUPPET CONTEST: Flotilla Royale encourages art, creativity and togetherness. All floaters are encouraged to bring a homemade/creative sock puppet from the clubhouse to Goon Island! That’s right! Let them float too! Trophies awarded for the Sassy Smoke on the Water Sock Puppet and Popeyes Shipwrecked Sock Puppet!
3.The Floating Man
4.Best Male costume
5.Best Female Costume
6. Best Youth Costume
7. Popeye
8. Olive Oyl
9. Brutus
10. Wimpy
12.PoopDeck Pappy
13. Swee’Pea
14. Best Youth Float
15. Best motorized float
16. Best non-motorized float
17. Too Cool Kayak!
18. Bad to the Bone Boat
19. Awesome Floatn Thingy
20. Prestigious Pontoon
21. Best Homemade Contraption
22. The Biggest Disaster
23. Rockn Raft
24. Wowie Zowie Recycle Craft!
25.Popeyes UBER trophy
* Blutos Royale Masters Putt Cup Championship: 9 trophies
*Wimpys Royale Championship Cornhole: 6 trophies
*Mr No No’s’ Barrel Race: 2 trophies plus participation ribbons
*Eugene the Jeeps Pet Beauty Contest: 2 trophies plus participation ribbons
*Olive Oyl Youth Smoke on the Water Limbo: 2 trophies 2 Ribbons
*Olive Oyl Adult Smoke on the Water Limbo: 2 trophies 2 Ribbons
*Swea Pea’s Sock puppet: 2 trophies
*Poopdeck Pappys Smokin Goon Dance off: 2 trophies 2 Ribbons
*Spinach Eating Contest Adult and Youth: 4 trophies 2 ribbons
*Spinach Can Crush: 2 trophies 1 ribbon
That is 57 trophies plus ribbons
…….Flotilla Royale Part 8 Popeyes Smoke on the Water ..WOW!!!......
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Lake Royale, North Carolina, 1139 Sagamore Dr, Louisburg, NC 27549, United States,Bunn, North Carolina