My workshops are held in both Norwegian and English depending on the needs of the Issue Holder. I will sometimes encourage you to speak in your Mother Tongue. I choose to write in English to be inclusive of more. Just so you guys know.
How is it for you to verbalize what you need, to a loved one, a boss, the guy behind the counter at the store, or anyone who is so obviously crossing your boundaries?
To be able to speak from the heart and set words on your needs can be quite challenging. Maybe you have an idea why it is this way for you. Maybe not. No matter what lays behind why you do not feel safe enough to speak, we will take a closer look at it, in the safe warm space of my home. Think art, bones, plants, golden floor, candles, loving cats.
Bert Hellingers Family Constellation work can be traced back to the 70's. For those of you who have been a part of this reverent transgenerational work, you know it is astounding, life transforming, and exceptionally rewarding to be a part of.
Constellations are often/usually based on known family patterns, and relationships, incidents that occurred in the past that have left scars in the family system and the facilitator places representatives for these parts of the family system.
I work differently. I trust that the field that resonates around your intention, will shine light and reveal the epigenetically stored information you carry in your cells so that we may see a living image from the history of your family system.
And together, we work to resolve this trauma your body carries for your famlily system and integrate this new image into your nervous system so that you may heal.
Being part of a constellation is a little bit like magic. We see, again and again, that simply witnessing someone doing their personal work has ripple effects and can affect a participant almost as much as if it were their own constellation. Freeing blocks, loosening patterns, and giving profound insight into their own lives.
You can read more about this on my website-
All sessions begin with ceremonial cacao and an inner journey where we ask permission from, and the support of, our ancestors to do this work.
The finishing time is when we finish the work. But actually leaving can be a slower process. I have good speakers, a nice space to hang out in, crystal singing bowls, a cool balcony, cats that like company and more.
As an Issue Holder I work directly with you.
As a Non-Issue Holder you will be part of the group, allowing yourself to be a part of the constellation of the Issue Holder.
Issue holder spot 600 kr.
Non-Issue holder spot 300 kr.
No refunds unless I can fill your spot.
Registration required.
[email protected]
A bit about my pricing.
I have been in the constellation field (and private therapy sessions world) for 25 or so years now, and I see people all around the world taking so so much money for this work. And for years I listened to them tell me that if I did not price myself high, I had no self worth. It took me an equal amount of years to realize that this is not a reflection of my shit, but rather, theirs. All I can say is that I just simply cannot wrap my head around the idea that medicine women worked only for those that could pay top exchange, and I hope that when you come to my home and meet me, you will understand.
A bit about me-
I love holding groups, and going to groups. Over these years I have worked with many different facilitators and therapists. This has taught me first hand how important it is that the group leader has worked with their own issues.
I have worked with the trauma held in my body, both personal and transgenerational, with more modalities than I can remember, for over 25 years. One of the most important things I have learned is to make sure everyone is within the boundaries of what they can process. So I weave in and teach nervous system regulation and grounding exercises, things that can be used in everyday life.
It is something I excel at. With me you are safe.
I am a Registered Nurse, a Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator, a Waldorf Pre-School teacher, a Circle of Security Facilitator, an Applied Somatics Practitioner, a gardener, a conscious dancer, a daughter, a mother, and a lover of 3 cats that really needed new homes.
I play crystal bowls, work with raw cacao, love to blow enormous bubbles, adore costumes, have an award winning garden, talk to the birds, believe you can never have too much glitter and own unused Russian Fire Fans. And I work with children, every day.
I look forward to meeting you.
#selvutvikling #selflove #familyconstellations #resonance #hellinger #heart #familiekonstellasjoner #cacao #ancestraltrauma #findingyourvoice
Image from Fuu j @ Unsplash
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Event Venue
Etterstadsletta, Etterstadsletta 79B, 0660 Oslo, Norge,Oslo, Norway