Rytuał Narodzin Bębna Medycyny - inicjacyjna podróż w głąb swojego serca

Thu, 13 Mar, 2025 at 09:00 am to Sun, 16 Mar, 2025 at 09:00 pm UTC+01:00

ul. Bernadowska 9, 81- 553 Gdynia, Poland | Gdynia

Ogr\u00f3d Kreacji
Publisher/HostOgród Kreacji
Rytua\u0142 Narodzin B\u0119bna Medycyny - inicjacyjna podr\u00f3\u017c w g\u0142\u0105b swojego serca
For English see below
Rozpocznij kreatywną podróż przez święte cykle życia i natury, aby stworzyć swój własny Bęben Medycyny. To czas, aby przyjąć i zakorzenić się w chwili obecnej oraz wysłać strzałę intencji dla tego organicznego instrumentu rytmicznego. Zestrojenie z biciem bębna harmonizuje z rytmem mego serca - rytmem życia i naturalnym wzrostem i rozkwitem życia.
Szczegóły spotkania znajdziesz na:
Maksymalna ilość uczestników: 9
O dostępności miejsc decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń.

Embark on a creative journey through the sacred cycles of life and nature to birth your own Medicine Drum. This is a time to embrace and ground yourself in the present moment and release the arrow of intention for this organic rhythm instrument. Aligning with the drum's beat harmonizes with the rhythm of my heart—life's rhythm and the natural growth and blossoming of life.
In this creative process, we'll explore the Medicine Wheel, the four qualities, and the life-death-rebirth cycle:
East - Air, a new beginning, humility, curiosity, and the exploration of life, the inner child.
South - Water, the sun at its zenith, willpower, perseverance, fluidity, death/life.
West - Fire, endings and the promise of a new tomorrow, honesty, facing the truth.
North - Earth, the realm of spirit and ancestors, integrity, harvesting, abundance, gratitude.
As we birth the drum, we attune ourselves to the micro and macrocosm and their rhythms, weaving in the exhaustion of the web of life—listening and responding to all my relations. Creating a drum is a practice of working with creative energy, aligning intentions, and opening up to inspiration.
During the workshop, participants will construct their instruments from scratch, infuse them with intentions, decorate them, and then come together in a ceremonial space to journey with the shamanic drum and deepen their connection with their instrument.
The 4-day workshop will take place in a wild garden surrounded by the forest. It's a step-by-step intentional practice, where manual work is intertwined with meditation, intention-setting, exploring profound meanings, and building a relationship with the drum. We'll also work with tobacco and rapé as supportive tools during the process.
Materials vary based on drum size, type, and skin:
For drum construction, we'll use goat or deer skin and a birchwood hoop. The drumstick is made of felt, and each participant will pick one that is resonating best. Drum sizes available are 30cm, 35cm, and 40cm, with the option for a 50cm drum on special order."

For more details and reservation please contact me:
contact: [email protected] or go to:

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

ul. Bernadowska 9, 81- 553 Gdynia, Poland, ulica Bernadowska 9, 81-553 Gdynia, Polska,Gdynia, Poland

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