In this hilarious British mockumentary, we follow Caroline, a competitive giant vegetable grower, as she readies herself for the big annual National Veg Championship. However, Caroline finds her life turned upside down when her prized marrow plants are stolen. Desperate for answers, she turns to two private detectives she knows, who are then dramatically kidnapped. Are the events linked? No, of course not. But Caroline thinks they are and the hunt for her missing marrows takes her way beyond the allotments, plunging her into a national corruption scandal that goes all the way to the top!Starring Jo Hartley, Aisling Bea, Ray Fearon
Doors Open 7pm. Show Starts 7:30pm
Free Tea & Coffee
Bennetts Ice Cream available to purchase.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Upton Road, Callow End,, WR2 4TA Worcester, United Kingdom, Canscope, Worcester, WR2 4TA, United Kingdom,Powick