Friends, Roman, Countrymen, lend me your ears, andyour wit. An evening of gladiator warfare and celebration is
planned for all of Rome to enjoy. At the heart of the excitement
sits Felix Festus, a lanista looking to win the public favor – and in
doing so, a Senate seat – with the donation of his gladiators for
exhibition. Although lives will be spared in the area, the same will
not hold true at the festivities. One Roman will take their last
breath at the party, and it will be up to you to search out the guilty
from the guileful. Was it the brute in a fight for his freedom? A
senator unwilling to award another seat? A socialite who will not
accept a rising of the classes? Or perhaps a slave whose secret
runs so deep that murder is the only way to silence it? As you
defend your own innocence you will be called upon to decipher
between the downtrodden and the downright deceitful. . . That is,
unless the criminal is you.
Tickets include:
One Character Role- and everything you need to play your part.
Choose from Active or Passive Roles to tailor your experience.
Active Roles- Are the key players in the storyline. You may end up playing the killer, the victim, or be and evidence holder and may include small speaking parts (if you want to do them).
Passive Roles- Are meant for those who want to participate but don't want the option of being a main character.
Veggie platter
Fruit platter
Caesar salad
Chicken Waldorf sliders
Shrimp cocktail
One Drink
Tickets are limited so get them while they last!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
B ROX Grill and Swill, 2119 Mentor Ave,Mentor, Ohio, United States