Wed, 18 Jun, 2025 at 07:00 pm UTC+02:00

Zone industrielle de la Lauze 25, rue saint exupery, 34430 Saint-Jean-de-Védas, France | Montpellier

Secret Place TAF
Publisher/HostSecret Place TAF
ROCK SESSION #3 - La TAF & BOOMERANG pr\u00e9sentent THE DEVILS + THE CRACKED HEADS La TAF & BOOMERANG présentent THE DEVILS + THE CRACKED HEADS - Mercredi 18 juin 2025 - Ouverture du bar et du foodtruck à 19h - Prix Libre

THE DEVILS formed in Naples, Italy, in 2015. Their first two albums, Sin, You Sinners! (2016) and Iron Butt (2017) were produced by Jim Diamond (The White Stripes, The Sonics) and released by Voodoo Rhythm Records. Since 2016, they have consistently toured with over 600 shows throughout Europe, the UK, and Canada.
Gianni Blacula rapes the guitar, and Erika Switchblade hits the drums. The Devils embody the definitive sound of chaos; their style is primitive, filled with sex, sin, and Rock’n’Roll. They are wild, very loud, and sexy. They named themselves after Ken Russel’s legendary movie The Devils (1971).
Their third album, Beast Must Regret Nothing (2021), was produced by Alain Johannes (QOTSA, Them Crooked Vultures, Chris Cornell, PJ Harvey) and features Mark Lanegan on lead vocals for ‘Devil Whistle Don’t Sing.’ Their following studio album, Let The World Burn Down, still features the multifaceted musician Johannes in mixing, mastering, and performing guitar solos for ‘Horror and Desire.’ This fourth studio album dropped via Go Down Records in February 2024. The same label released The Devils’ first live album in January 2023. In 2025 The Devils celebrate their 10th anniversary with a fifth album Devil’s Got It, a record of blues and soul covers mixed and mastered ones again by Alain Johannes, and signed to the legendary american label Cleopatra Records.
The band has toured with great acts such as The Sonics, Jon Spencer & The Hitmakers, Boss Hog, Mudhoney, GBH, and many others. They have also performed at several major European festivals, including Azkena Rock Festival and Helldorado

Trio montpelliérain aux influences garage/punk

🍻 HAPPY HOUR de 19h à 20h
➡ Heineken :
Demi (25cl) = 3€
Pinte (50cl) = 4€
➡ Soda au verre :
Coca, Orangina, Limonade, IceTea (25cl) : 1€
🍟 Food Truck
➡ Aligot saucisse ou jambon de pays
➡ Planche Aligot Farçou
➡ Planche de charcuterie d aveyron ( Rosette, Jambon cru, Galabard, Saussise seche, Fricandeau,, Rillette, Terinne, Friton .. ) Bousquet Viande livrasion hebdomadaire
➡ Planche de fromages ( 6 sortes / Chevre, brie, bleue, cantal, brebis, ... ) avec pain spéciaux
➡ Las Vedas Burger (viande l'Aubrac 150grammes - Bousquet Viande livraison hebdomadaire)
➡ Las Vedas Cheese Burger (viande l'Aubrac 150grammes - Bousquet Viande livraison hebdomadaire)
➡ Farçou
➡ Salade Caesar
➡ Frites ( 5 sauces aux choix )
➡ Salade de fruits maison
➡ Glaces
- Sélection de vins De la CAVES DES ARCEAUX
Venir à la SECRET PLACE !
Tram & Bus / Voiture / Covoiturage
Tram & Bus
Tram Ligne 2 👉 Saint-Jean-de-Védas
🛑 à "Saint-Jean-le-sec"
Ligne de Bus n°32 👉Garcia Lorca
🛑 arrêt "La Lauze".
Tram Ligne 2 👉 Sabine
🛑 à "Sabine"
Ligne de Bus n°102 (Hérault Transport) 👉 Sète
🛑 arrêt "Terre Neuve".
🚶 5min de marche : monter rue Hélène Boucher puis rue Saint Exupéry
La Navette
Tram Ligne 2 👉 Saint-Jean-de-Védas
🛑 à "La Condamine"
En Voiture
Zone Industrielle de la Lauze
25 Rue St Exupery,
34430 Saint-Jean-de-Védas
Postez vos annonces sur Facebook :
Groupe TAF/Secret Place
Évènement du concert
Pensez à Blablacar !

Event Venue

Zone industrielle de la Lauze 25, rue saint exupery, 34430 Saint-Jean-de-Védas, France, 25 Rue Saint-Exupéry, 34430 Saint-Jean-de-Védas, France,Saint-Jean-De-Védas, Languedoc-Roussillon, France, Montpellier

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