Robins Return Full Moon Walk at Sacred Coldwater SpringsGather at the park entrance, 7pm
Park on the Hwy 55 access road
A total lunar eclipse occurs very early on this date, from 12:09 to 3:48 am for you late night-ers. It’s a 66-minute sky event with the earth’s atmosphere tinting the moon rusty, especially around 2 am, apex of this month’s full moon.
Until then we’ll be rolling into Sugar Bush season when the maples suck up unfreezing groundwater and sap drips out of taps and the smell of firewood means a lot of mud and the promise of maple sugar. Bugs and worms become available for returning robins. The week of the full moon we “Spring Forward” and set clocks ahead one hour.
March is often called the windy month for the Jet Stream lifting northward creating 3-minutes more sunlight daily and clashing temperatures from cold weather blizzards to hot weather tornadoes. Like our recent politics.
Coldwater has been flowing about 11,000-years—even under the last glacier. The record of humans in this area is dated to 9,000-years-ago since a 9,000-year-old bison spear point was uncovered during a 1996 archaeological dig at the Sibley House in Mendota. Imagine the roaring glacial meltwaters at the b’dota, Dakota for the area of convergence of the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers.
Coldwater flowed about 144,000 gallons per day before the Highway 55 reroute in the 1990s, down to about 66,000 gpd now. Water is what climate change is all about: floods, droughts, warming oceans and extreme weather that makes the daily news.
Coldwater is an acknowledged Dakota sacred site. Friends of Coldwater seek to honor our 11,000-year-old landscape ancestor and the people whose dust we stand upon. So we return and return to remember the spirits that feed this Indigenous sacred place.
Full moon walks have been celebrated at Coldwater Springs each month since 2000. Traditional group howl when the moon peeks out.
Sunset 7:18 pm (1-hour and 41-minutes later than last full moon)
Moonrise 7:59 pm (2-hours and 7-minutes later than last month)
11-hours, 58-minutes of daylight (1-hour, 33-minutes more than last month)
Moment of the full moon: 1:55 am
Snowflakes take 75 minutes at 1.5 mph to reach Earth from 10,000 feet.
Raindrops take 8 minutes at 14.5 mph to reach Earth from 10,000 feet.
DIRECTIONS: Coldwater Springs (5601 Minnehaha Park Drive in Minneapolis) is between Minnehaha Park & Fort Snelling, just north of the Hwy 55/62 interchange. From Hwy 55/Hiawatha, turn East (toward the Mississippi) at 54th Street, take an immediate right, & drive all the way down the frontage road where you can park at the pay meters.
Gather at the cul-de-sac, which is the Coldwater Park entrance.
Free. All welcome.
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Event Venue & Nearby Stays
5601 Minnehaha Park Dr S, St Paul, MN 55111, 5604 Park Place Dr, St Paul, MN 55126-9127, United States,Shoreview, Minnesota, Circle Pines