Robert's Westside x Literally Outside Gear SwapThe Gear Swap is a new home for our community to participate in buying, selling, and trading outdoor related goods with each other.
Clean out the garage or closet and give old gear a chance at a second life. From tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, hiking shoes, jackets, climbing shoes, headlamps, you name it. As long as it’s lightly used, all is welcome at the swap.
Participants are asked to bring a maximum of 5 gently used outdoor items to swap. You can take home as many items as you brought to the swap.
Interested in participating - Purchase the $5 Gear Swap Ticket Below
Date: Sunday, April 6th, 2025 | 11am - 2pm
Bring your gently-used hiking shoes, tents, climbing gear, backpacks, jackets, yoga pants and outdoor clothing, etc. and trade with others in our community!
Please follow the golden rule: Only bring items to swap that you'd want to take home from the swap! Damaged items cannot be swapped.
- Register for the Gear Swap!
- Gather your gently-used gear to swap. Please bring a maximum of 5 items
- Join us on Sunday April 6th at 11AM at Robert's Westside in Forest Park, IL. Check-in at the front table at Bobby's Eastside using your DICE ticket.
- Lay out your gear and shop the tables! Please only take as many items as you brought to swap.
- Make friends, chat about the outdoors and enjoy! Grab a drink and some popcorn from the bar and meet like minded outdoor enthusiasts.
* Please note we are not liable for any broken items. The swapper is responsible for checking the functionality and safety of the items before they use them. We are not checking or validating the safety and functioning of the items before swapping
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
7321 Madison Street, Forest Park, Illinois 60130, United States