Stærsta kokteilasýning Íslands, Reykjavík Cocktail Week Expo verður haldin í Hörpu miðvikudaginn 2. apríl! 🍹✨Barþjónaklúbbur Íslands stendur fyrir þessari árlegu hátíð í samstarfi við alla helstu vínbirgja landsins. Ásamt allskonar vörukynningum í fljótandi formi fer fram Íslandsmeistaramót Barþjóna þar sem leitin af besta barþjóni landsins hefst. Einnig fá allir gestir að kjósa um kokteilabar ársins! Húsið opnar klukkan 16:00 og er opið öllum þeim sem hafa áhuga á vínmenningu og kokteilum. Þetta er kvöld sem þú vilt ekki missa af!
Á meðan Reykjavík Cocktail Week stendur verða sérstakir Reykjavík Cocktail Week kokteilaseðlar í boði á flestum veitingahúsum og börum Reykjavíkur. Staðirnir munu bjóða upp á fjölda viðburða tengda hátíðinni sem eru öllum opnir.
ℹ️ Hægt er að nálgast frekari upplýsingar á
Iceland's Largest Cocktail Exhibition, Reykjavík Cocktail Week Expo, will take place at Harpa on Wednesday, April 2nd! 🍹✨
The Bartenders’ Club of Iceland hosts this annual festival in collaboration with the country’s leading beverage suppliers. In addition to showcasing a variety of products in liquid form, the Icelandic National Bartending Championships will kick off, launching the search for the best bartender in the country. Guests will also have the opportunity to vote for the Cocktail Bar of the Year!
Doors open at 4:00 PM, and the event is open to anyone interested in cocktail culture. This is an evening you won’t want to miss!
Throughout Reykjavík Cocktail Week, special cocktail menus will be available at most restaurants and bars in Reykjavík. Venues will host a variety of events connected to the festival, all of which are open to the public.
ℹ️ For more information, visit
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Harpa tónlistar- og ráðstefnuhús / Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre, Austurbakki 2,Reykjavík, Iceland