Secret Guests Asia returns for our annual new year kickoff on Phu Quoc island, making and breaking resolutions with artists from the far western and far eastern reaches of Secret Guests collective! We're excited to bless the brand new oceanside location for our beloved Happy Buddha Club with beats by Nida (Delhi), Mizuyo (Japan by way of Bangkok), and SGA founder Bytz (NYC by way of Da Nang), alongside club residents Dennox and ANDYOU. Join us for the third anniversary of connecting the dots across Asia!LINEUP:
Nida (Paradisco - India) Vietnam Debut
Mizuyo (Bangkok / Japan) Phu Quoc Debut
Bytz (Secret Guests - NYC)
Dennox (Happy Buddha Club - Phu Quoc)
ANDYOU (Happy Buddha Club - Germany)
10pm til dawn
Happy Buddha Club
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Happy Buddha Club, Backpacker, Xã Dương Tơ, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang, Việt Nam,Phu Quoc, Kiến Giang, Vietnam, Krong Kampot, Cambodia