RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND PLACEMENT FOR PRIME HRM LEVEL 2(Adjusted date of conduct: March 15-29, 2021;
Adjusted Training Hrs. Credit: 25)
This course shall enable HR Practitioners and Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB) members of public sector agencies to review their existing Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP) Policy and Process and identify areas where customization can be made for it to be more responsive to agency’s specific needs. Participants shall be able to walk through the RSP cycle vis-à-vis the PRIME-HRM Level 2 requirements and shall be guided in the development of a customized RSP system. Participants shall also be equipped with the competency of administering the RSP Process.
Target Participants:
Human Resource Management Practitioners or those with equivalent positions (preferably assigned in Recruitment, Selection and Placement) from National Government Agencies vying for PRIME-HRM Level 2 in the core HR area of Recruitment, Selection and Placement.
NGAs are encouraged to send both their Central and Regional Office HRs to help facilitate whole-of- agency approach in learning application.
Performance Objectives:
Participants shall be able to effectively administer a customized Recruitment, Selection and Placement Policy and Guidelines towards continually placing and promoting highly competent individuals in accordance with the requirements of PRIME HRM Level 2.
Learning Objectives:
Specifically, by the end of this course the participants shall be able to:
1. Appreciate the value of administering a Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP) System that meets the PRIME HRM Maturity Level 2 requirements;
2. Discuss the purpose, principles, processes and practices in relation to customizing and administering their own RSP System;
3. Assess existing RSP System vis-a-vis PRIME-HRM’s RSP pillars, elements and Level 2 indicators;
4. Identify areas for customization in the agency’s current RSP system; and,
5. Prepare a draft customized RSP System and develop action plans for administering said customized RSP System.
Course Outline and Dates of Conduct
Module 0: Introduction to RSP PRIME-HRM Level 2 E-Learning Course March 15, 2021; 1:30-4:30 pm
Module 1: The Value of “Process-Defined” RSP System
Module 2: Governance Pillar March 17, 2021; 9:00-12:00 nn
Module 3: Talent Planning Pillar March 19, 2021; 9:00-12:00 nn
Module 4: Talent Sourcing Pillar March 22, 2021; 1:30-4:30 pm
Module 5: Talent Selection Pillar March 24, 2021; 9:00-12:00 nn
Module 6: Talent Placement Pillar March 26, 2021; 9:00-12:00 nn
Module 7: Recruitment, Selection and Placement System Administration Plan March 29, 2021; 1:30-4:30 pm
Venue of actual sessions:
Zoom application
Target Number of Participants:
300 participants
First Come-First Served Basis, Subject for approval based on Target Participants, as indicated above. Make sure to meet the position requirement before registering.
Investment Cost:
Php 5,000.00
(Payment shall be made only upon receipt of confirmation/approval of registration through email from CSI Course Administrator)
Contact Information:
Ms. Jabrielle Vincee D. Anastacio – Human Resource Management Team, CSI
[email protected]
NOTE: A certificate of completion with twenty-five (25) leadership and managerial training hours will be given to participants who will successfully finish all course requirements (100% attendance to synchronous sessions and submission of assignment/output per module)
Event Venue