About this Event
Trainer: Janae Lewis, Boston Public Health Commission
Description: We want participants to think about the different types of relationships out there, ones they hear about and see around them, whether good or bad. This workshop aims to encourage that regardless of the relationship or formality, we can incorporate as many healthy characteristics as possible. We understand that conflict is often a natural occurrence in relationships, but how can we think about conflict resolution in spaces where we employ young people? What does conflict resolution look like between an adult staff and a teen / parent when there is already tension or uncertainty present? Motivational Interviewing and SEEK are trauma-informed practices and tools to begin working through healthy conflict. We encourage participants to bring their own personal experiences and think back to when they were a teen for this workshop.
Notice of Accommodations
English: Interpretation, translation, and disability accommodation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please contact us at [email protected], [email protected] or 617-961-6980.
Spanish - Español: Hay servicios de interpretación, traducción y adaptaciones para discapacidades a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros mandando un correo electrónico a [email protected], [email protected] o llamando a 617-961-6980
Haitian Creole -Kreyòl ayisyen: Sèvis entèpretasyon, tradiksyon, ak sèvis akomodasyon pou andikape disponib pou ou gratis. Si w bezwen sèvis sa yo, tanpri kontakte nou nan [email protected], [email protected] oswa 617-961-6980
Traditional Chinese - 繁體中文: 我們可以為您提供免費的口譯, 筆譯, 和殘疾人士合理照顧服務。如有需要,請 前與我們連絡,發電子郵件至 [email protected], [email protected] 或致電 617-961-6980
Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt: Các dịch vụ thông dịch, dịch thuật và hỗ trợ người khuyết tật được cung cấp miễn phí cho bạn. Nếu bạn cần họ, vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ [email protected], [email protected] hoặc 617-961-6980
Simplified Chinese - 简体中文: 我们可以为您提供免费的口译, 笔译, 和残疾人士合理照顾服务。如有需要,请 前与我们联系, 发电子邮件至 [email protected], [email protected] 或致电 617-961-6980
Cabo Verdean Creole - kriolu: Nu ta oferese-bu sirvisus di interpretason, traduson y sirvisus di komodason pa gentis ku difisénsia di grasa. Si bu meste kes sirvisu la, kontata-nu pa email [email protected], [email protected] ó pa telefóni, pa númeru 617-961-6980
Arabic - العربية
خدمات الترجمة الشفوية والتحريرية والتسهيلات لذوي الإعاقة متوفرة لك دون تحملك أي تكلفة. إذا احتجت لهذه الخدمات، يرجى التواصل معنا على البريد الألكتروني ،[email protected], [email protected]، أو على رقم الهاتف 6179616980
Russian -Русский: Услуги устного и письменного перевода и по приспособлению инвалидов предоставляются бесплатно. Если Вам они нужны, просьба связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты [email protected], [email protected] либо по телефону 617-961-6980
Portuguese - Português: Disponibilizamos serviços de tradução e interpretação e adaptações especiais para pessoas com deficiências gratuitamente. Para solicitar, envie e-mail para [email protected], [email protected] ou ligue para 617-961-6980
French - Français: Les services d'interprétation, de traduction et d'adaptation aux personnes handicapées sont à votre disposition gratuitement. Si vous en avez besoin, veuillez nous contacter à [email protected], [email protected] ou au 617-961-6980
Somali - Af Soomaali: Adeegyada tarjumaadda luuqadaha iyo hoyga naafada ayaa diyaar kuu ah adiga oo aan wax kharash ah ka bixin. Haddii aad u baahatid iyaga, fadlan nagala soo xiriir [email protected], [email protected] ama 617-961-6980
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building, 2300 Washington Street, Boston, United States
USD 0.00